Understanding Template Behavior When Seeded
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    Understanding Template Behavior When Seeded

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    Article summary

    The following table represents the template types where seeding is available and where you can seed templates and related data from the Reference scenario using the Varying Scenario and Period Selection approach.

    Template Type

    Data Seed Approach

    Varying Scenario and Period Selection

    Reference Scenario




    Workforce Planning


    Template HR




    Global Template Single Copy

    Global Template Entity Copy


    Line Item

    * The behavior of this seed is different when compared to the other template types and resembles a Varying Scenario and Period Selection seed.

    To seed from Workforce Planning and Capital template types, you must remap them from the Default scenario to the new scenario. Keep in mind that only the template is seeded, not the associated data. For scenario seeding, Capital data can be seeded across the scenarios using “Reference Scenario” functionality or by “Copying” the scenarios.

    N/A means that Varying Scenario and Period Selection is not supported. For example, for the Capital module, if you do a data seed using the Varying Scenario and Period Selection option, the key driver is the account mapping. This means that the data at the asset level is not copied because assets have no mapping to the chart of accounts directly.

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