23.10 Release Notes
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23.10 Release Notes

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Structured Planning: Workforce Reporting Enhancements for Dynamic Reports

Experience an improved dynamic reporting process with enhanced notifications for better report accuracy, along with simplified dimension selection for more efficient report creation.


In this release, we have made enhancements to improve your data analysis through Dynamic Reports in the workforce reporting area.

The enhancements include:

  • Enhanced Notifications for Non-aggregatable Measures in Dynamic Reports
  • Simplifying the Dimension Selection Process for Dynamic Reports
These enhancements are opt-in and will be available on request. Contact Planful's Support Team to enable. 

Enhanced Notifications for Non-aggregatable Measures in Dynamic Reports

With this release, we have introduced enhanced notifications for non-aggregatable measures in Dynamic Reports.

Unlike the existing notifications with no actionable information, the enhanced notifications aim to provide users with targeted and actionable insights when creating dynamic reports. These enhanced notifications appear if you're missing the required dimensions or if you've selected all members without appropriate options being selected. This allows you to generate your dynamic reports as accurately as possible.

The enhanced notifications appear only when running reports for non-aggregatable measures. Even if you add one aggregatable measure to the report, the enhanced notifications will not appear.

For example, let’s say you want to generate a hire date report for the employees and select “Hire Date” and “Process Status” attributes (which are non-aggregatable) as measures for the “Employee” dimension. Additionally, you have added the “Amount in CC” attribute (which is an aggregatable measure). So, in this case, when you run the report, you will not receive the enhanced notification.

The following screenshot is the illustration of the existing notification:

The following screenshot is the illustration of one of the enhanced notifications:

Use Cases

Now let’s see the different use cases to which these enhanced notifications are applicable:

  • Use Case 1: When Required Dimensions are Missing
    When attributes are selected, but the required dimension(s) are missing, the notification shows the selected attributes and the required missing dimension, and also the recommended action to generate the report.
    For example, let’s say you want to generate a report for the “Hire Date” of the employees. While you've added the required "Hire Date" and "Process Status" attributes, you've overlooked the required "Employee" dimension. So, in this case, the notification would be:

  • Use Case 2: When Roll-up Members are Selected for Dimensions Without Leaves
    When roll-up members are selected for dimensions without selecting leaves, the notification shows the dimensions and the recommended action.
    For example, let’s say you want to generate a report for “Hire Date” and select the required “Employee” dimension. Now, instead of selecting the “Leaves” option, you select the roll-up members. So, in this scenario, the notification would be:

Simplifying the Dimension Selection Process for Dynamic Reports

With this release, we have enhanced the report designing process for Dynamic Reports by limiting the selection of dimensions. This enhancement makes it easier for you to create dynamic reports by reducing the number of mandatory dimensions to add and allowing the display of non-aggregatable measures in the report.

Previously, when creating a report with attributes (that are non-aggregatable measures), you had to include the Employee, Position, Employee Type, Home Budget Entity, and Position Budget Entity dimensions. Also, reports with both aggregatable and non-aggregatable measures only included aggregatable measures and you had to add additional dimensions.

This enhancement exclusively applies to dynamic reports. This functionality will not be applicable to reports used in Report Collections, Report Sets, Reports with Custom Members, and Dashboards.

Let’s understand this with an example:
Suppose you want to view an employee’s annual salary along with their Hire Date and Process Status in the report.
So, when you generated the report, the report displayed only Annual Salary (aggregatable) but not the Hire Date and Process Status (non-aggregatable), as shown in the image below.

This enhancement has eliminated the need to add Employee Type, Home Budget Entity, and Position Budget Entity dimensions, and non-aggregatable measures are displayed in the report.
The following image shows the Hire Date and Process Status measures in the report alongside the Annual Salary.

While the Employee Type, Home Budget Entity, and Position Budget Entity dimensions are no longer mandatory, the Employee and Position dimensions continue to be the mandatory dimensions if the report includes attributes related to these dimensions. Also, the enhanced notifications will guide users to include these dimensions when generating reports containing attributes associated with the employee or position dimensions.


If any default members are defined, the defined default members are not considered, and the member selection is set to "All."

Structured Planning: Copy Link in Dynamic Reports

Experience seamless access to Dynamic Reports using the links copied through Copy Link. You can access the reports in the Edit mode if you have the required permissions directly using the copied link.


With this release, we have enhanced the functionality of the Copy Read-Only link feature and renamed it Copy Link in Dynamic Reports. The links copied through Copy Link will now honor the security permissions of the users accessing the report using those links. Unlike before when the report used to open in the read-only mode, now if the user accessing the report has permission to edit the report, the link will open the report in Edit mode.

Budget Managers can access the report only in Read-Only mode using the links copied through the Copy Link feature.
In Practice:    

If you are sure that the user you want to share the copied link has access to the selected report, you can simply do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Reports from the side menu.
  2. Select the report you want to share from File Cabinet.
  3. On the menu bar click Share > Copy Link.
  4. Share the link offline through email or messaging.

You can use the Share Access > Share Reports screen to ensure that the user with whom you want to share the copied link has access to the report. If the user is not there in the list shown in the Share Reports screen, search for the user or user group in the search box and click on the user name in the search result.

You can do the following to access the Copy Link feature from the Share access screen:

  1. Navigate to the Reports from the side menu.
  2. Select the report you want to share from File Cabinet.
  3. On the menu bar click Share > Share access. The Share Reports screen appears.
  4. The Share Reports screen displays the list of users who can access the report along with the control level of each user over the selected report. Click here to learn more about the options in the Share Reports screen.
  5. Click Copy Link at the bottom of the Share Reports screen and share the link offline through email or messaging.

Dynamic Planning: Key Dimensions Highlighted for Ease of Identification

With this release, you can quickly identify a key dimension over a value dimension. The key dimensions are now displayed in bold text, and the cells are highlighted, ensuring they stand out and are easily distinguishable.

Predict: Introduced Data Seeding from Predict Projections

Auto-fill your templates with projections on the fly using the new Seed from Projections configuration.


With this release, we have introduced the capability to seed scenarios in templates from the Predict Projections Engine while creating new scenarios. While selecting the reference scenario in Scenario Setup, templates must be copied for the seeding to take place. Once you open the copied template, it will be filled with projections honoring the history-mapped lines of those templates. The scenario types supported for seeding from Predict Projections are Budget Scenarios and Forecast Scenarios.

In Practice: Seeding Scenarios with Predict Projections

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Administration > Scenario Setup.
  2. On the Scenario List page, click the Add icon.

    The Add Scenario page appears.

  3. After you have entered the required details in the General Information tab, click the Data Seeding tab.
  4. Check the Enable Data Seeding checkbox.

  5. Select the reference scenario type as budget or forecast from the Scenario drop-down list.
  6. Check the Templates checkbox in the Copy field.

    The Notes, Sublines, and Dynamic Journals checkboxes will appear.

    You must first select the Copy: Templates checkbox from the Reference Scenario to enable the Seed from Predict Projections checkbox.
  7. Select the required elements you want to copy while seeding by checking the checkboxes.
  8. In the Seed Data From section, check the Seed from Predict Projections checkbox.
  9. Click the Save icon once done.
    Once the scenario is set up, the copied templates will be automatically filled with projections honoring the history-mapped lines whenever the user opens the template.

Predict: Enhanced Signals Sensitivity Adjustment in Templates

Leverage the Signals Range option in templates to effortlessly customize the signals sensitivity of reports on the fly!


With this release, we have enhanced the Signals Sensitivity feature to temporarily modify the sensitivity level for a specific template on the fly, affecting only the currently open session in Templates. This feature allows you to adjust the sensitivity level to your preferred setting with the help of an easy-to-use slider. You can now customize the sensitivity level to view fewer or more signals directly within the template.

When you refresh or close the session, the sensitivity will revert to its configured setting in the Predict Admin screen.

Once you have generated signals for the template, you can access the Signals Range option from either of the following ways:

  • Navigate to the Predict: Signals drop-down menu in the top menu bar and select Adjust Signals Range. 
  • Go to the Legend panel and click Signals Range. 

Platform: Enhanced User Group Screen

Improve your user group management experience with our enhanced User Group screen to update your information quickly and easily!


With this release, we have now revamped our User Group screen in our User and Role Management area. The enhanced User Group screen provides a more user-friendly and intuitive experience.

The following image illustrates the existing User Group screen.

The following image illustrates the revamped User Group screen.

Now let’s see the major enhancements to the revamped User Group screen:

  • Enhanced User Interface: The existing User Group screen has been replaced and the enhanced screen offers more usability and centralized security management.
  • Updated Toolbar Icons: The toolbar icons now offer consistency. These updated icons make it easier for users to identify and use various functions within the User Group screen.

  • Security Menu Integration: The new Security Options Menu within the User Group screen streamlines the management of user security access, providing users with a more comprehensive approach to configuring security settings.

To learn more about the user groups, click here.

Platform: Enhanced Login Experience for SSO Users with Custom URL

Experience seamless SSO login with an enabled Log In with SSO button for SSO users using custom URLs, streamlining access to Planful accounts!


With this release, we have improved the login experience for Single Sign-On (SSO) users. Now the Log In with SSO button is enabled for the SSO users with a custom URL. This enhancement simplifies the SSO user login process. The SSO users can now seamlessly access the configured SSO solution and log into their Planful accounts using the Log In with SSO button.

This enhancement is applicable to users who have opted for custom URLs and configured SSO with Planful. Learn more about custom URLs here.

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