User Groups
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    User Groups

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    Article summary

    The User Group tab is used to add and edit groups of categorized users. If you need to provide a group of users with the same access privileges, it is easier to create a user group and assign group privileges rather than assign privileges to each user one by one.

    Navigate to Maintenance > Admin > User Management > User Group.

    Now, let's explore all the options available on the User Group tab.

    The order of the options in this article is structured based on the sequence visible on this screen.

    This option allows you to add a new user group.

    To add a new user group, do the following:

    1. Click Add.

    2. Enter a code and descriptive name for the user group.
      The group code is unique and cannot be changed once you create the user group.

    3. Click the Add user name field to add users to this group. Start typing the user name or navigation role, and you can see the users appearing in the drop-down.

    4. Click Browse users to search further for all the users. The All Users pop-up will have the list of all users within the application.
    5. Select the users you want to add to the user group by clicking the checkbox associated with the user name. Use the search field to search by name or navigation role to find the required user.

    6. Click OK once you complete the selection. You will be back on the Add User Group page and you can see the selected users for the group.

    7. Click Add and you are done.

    Now, you need to configure the security options for the user group. 

    Once you've created a user group, the access configurations are not automatically applied. By default, the status indicator will be no color, indicating that you need to actively configure the security options for the user group. Head over to the Security Options tab in this article to learn more about security options and how you can configure them.

    You can download the list of user groups (using Print and Export options) and the corresponding mapped users (Export Option).

    The export options include:

    Export as Excel

    Using this option you can export the list of user groups and the corresponding mapped users.
    Click the Export option and select the required option to download the report.

    The available options are:

    • Export User Groups: When you export the list of user groups, the following information is available in the Excel sheet.
      • User Group Code
      • User Group Name
      • Created Date
      • Created By
      • Modified Date
      • Modified By
    • Export Mapped Users: This option is used to export the list of users associated with all the user groups displayed in this tab in an Excel sheet. If a user is part of multiple user groups, then the user’s name will repeat in the respective user groups. You can also use the Export User Groups option to export the list of user groups displayed in the User Groups tab. When you export the list of mapped users, the following information is available in the Excel sheet related to each user:
      • User Group Code
      • User Group Name
      • User First Name
      • User Last Name
      • User Email ID

    This option allows you to print the entire user group List.

    The data will be identical to what is displayed on the User Group tab. When you click the print option, the following information is available in the sheet:
    • User Group Code
    • User Group Name
    • Created Date
    • Created By
    • Modified Date
    • Modified By

    This option is used to edit the user group.

    System-defined user groups cannot be modified. This means that you cannot add new members or remove existing ones from this group, but you can still configure the security options.
    1. Select the user group you wish to edit and click the edit icon. The Edit User Group appears.
    2. Make the required changes and click Save. Edit the security options if required.
      You cannot modify the group code.

    This option is used to delete the user group.

    Select the user group you wish to delete and click the delete icon.

    Only after you unmap all the security configurations associated with that user group, you can proceed to delete.

    Security Options refer to settings or configurations that control access, permissions, and security-related aspects for users within those groups.

    First. let's understand the Status Indicators of security icons to assess the level of configurations for each user group. 

    When you hover over the security options icon, you can interpret the status as follows: 

    • No color: Indicates that no access has been configured.
    • Yellow: Indicates that the access has been configured for a few areas.
    • Green: Indicates that the access has been configured for all areas.
    Once the user group is created, the configurations are not done, so the default color and status is "no color".

    Additionally, when you click the security options icon, you can determine the configuration status of each area by the associated indicators. There are two statuses: Configured and Not configured. A green checkmark indicates that the configuration is complete, while the other indicator suggests that other areas are yet to be configured.

    You can start configuring these settings by selecting the security options icon in two ways:

    1. Select the user group and click directly on the security options icon within the user group's Security column.

    2. Select the user group and click the security options icon in the header.

    Using this option, you can configure the following areas:

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