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    Overview of Reports Available for Consolidation

    ReportAvailable for


    CTA Detailed ReportCTA accountsFor the accounts selected in the CTA set, this report provides the difference between the local currency balances converted using the currency type specified against the account versus the currency type specified in the CTA set definition.
    Journal Entry ReportStandard, Recurring, Dynamic, Non Controlling Interest

    View journal entry details for a selected time period and print the output or download and save as an Excel file for offline analysis.

    Verify DataStandard, Recurring, Dynamic, Validations

    Confirm the accuracy of the postings and verify where data has been sourced from.

    Exchange RatesStandard, Recurring, Dynamic, Non Controlling Interest, Validations, Reclassifications, Consolidation ProcessView currency exchange rates for the application.
    Audit LogStandard, Recurring, Dynamic, Non Controlling Interest, Eliminations, Reclassifications, Consolidation Process, ValidationsProvides information that can be very useful to administrative users. Administrative users may monitor all actions taken by regular users. If there are any discrepancies, administrative users can view the regular users that were logged on when the discrepancy occurred as well as the actions each user took associated with the module or piece of functionality in question.
    Elimination ReportEliminations

    Elimination reports allow you to view the results of Elimination Entries that were posted during the Elimination Process. Run deployed Elimination reports for a selected time period, Elimination Set, and list of accounts.

    Variance ReportEliminations

    Run deployed Elimination Variance reports for a selected time period, Elimination Set, and list of accounts. An Elimination Variance report is a standard report that must be deployed from the Standard Reports page.

    Natural Account BalanceStandard, Recurring, Dynamic, Eliminations, Non Controlling Interest, Reclassifications, Consolidation Process 
    Validation Status ReportValidations, Consolidation Process

    Review the status of each processed Validation.

    The Remarks column provides you with additional information on the status of the Validation. Validations which result in a zero with an asterisk (0*), indicates that there was no data in the LHS or RHS and the system assumed it was a zero. This is not to be confused with a simple zero (0), which indicates that the formula resulted in a zero value.

    Export the report to Excel by clicking the button highlighted in orange.

    • Scenario – Pre-populated with Actual.

    • Period – Select the period to review the status of Validations.

    Activity LogNon Controlling Interest, ValidationsReview the activity associated with a given Validation. For example, for a selected period/Validation combination you could review how many times the Validation was ran and the status of each run.
    Consolidation StatusConsolidation Process

    The Consolidation Status report is an opt in feature used to view the status of the Consolidation Process for a given intersection (entity, scenario, period) within a close cycle. The Consolidation Status report offers several benefits, such as providing the necessary information to complete the close process in a timely manner. Further, consolidators can view the status by entity and the time period for which they are responsible.

    CTA Set and CTA Detailed Report  

    Accounting principles mandate that when translating financial statements to a reporting currency, the closing rate for all Balance Sheet accounts is used, as well as the weighted average rate for Profit and Loss Accounts, and historical rates for Historical Accounts and Retained Earnings. After translating using these principles, if the books do not balance, then a plug account can be posted to a balancing account called Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA) to balance the books.

    The balance posted to the CTA account is also known as unrealized gains or losses due to currency fluctuations. The balance posted to the CTA account is an accumulation of the FX gains\losses generated by multiple accounts in the natural hierarchy.

    In Planful , a plug account must be specified for posting the unrealized gains or losses during Consolidation Setup. Consolidation Setup (discussed in the Consolidation Admin Guide) is also where you specify the rollup accounts for Total Assets, Total Liabilities and Total Equity. For converted currencies such as; common currency, interim currency and reporting currencies, the system calculates Total Assets - (Total Liabilities + Total Equity). If the results of the calculation does not equal zero (unbalanced books), the difference is posted to the CTA plug account to balance the books. Using this method, Planful doesn’t provide the account detail for the balance posted to the CTA account. You can overcome this using the functionality called CTA Sets (discussed in the Consolidation Admin Guide under the CTA topic)

    Account detail for the CTA balance is provided in a reporting currency and not in common or interim currencies.

    In Practice

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Currency > CTA Sets.

    2. Click New (Add button).

    3. Enter a title and description.

    4. Specify a Base Rate. Typically this base rate has to be the closing rate of the period such as End of the Month rate (EOM).

    5. Click Add Accounts and select the accounts that contribute to the CTA balance. Typically these are historical accounts such as Common Stock, Retained Earnings, and PPE accounts.

    6. Under Target CTA Setup, specify the segment combination of the CTA account. This might be the same CTA account specified in Consolidation Setup.

    7. Save the CTA Set. Create as many sets as required.

    8. Navigate to Maintenance > Hierarchy. Select the Reporting dimension and click Show.

    9. Create a new Reporting Currency (See documentation on how to create Reporting Currency in the Currency Admin Guide).

    10. Select a leaf level member of the Reporting Currency in Hierarchy Management. The Properties pane appears. Under Segment Properties, select Account Based for Calculation Type. Select other properties as required.

    11. Select Overwrite default CTA.

    12. Under CTA Sets, select the sets created earlier (steps 1 - 6) based on which accounts for FX gains\losses. Save.

    13. Run the Consolidation Process for the Reporting Currency.

    14. Navigate to Reporting > Standard Reports and open\run the CTA Detailed Report (which must be deployed by an Admin user).

    15. Select a Scenario, Period Range, Account rollup, Company, Reporting currency and the CTA set and run the report.

    16. For the accounts selected in the CTA set, the report provides the difference between the local currency balances converted using the currency type specified against the account versus the currency type specified in the CTA set definition.

    Journal Entry Report - What Is It and How Do I Run It  

    The Journal Entry report provides a quick glance at journal entries for a specific status. Use this report to query journal entries from the point they are created, to approved. This report is available only for Standard Journals, Recurring Journals, and Dynamic Journals.

    To run and view the Journal Entry report :

    1. In the Consolidation Control Panel, under Processes, select a process. The grid for the process you have selected appears.

    2. Under Reports, click Journal Entry Report. The Journal Entry Report dialog appears.

    3. Select the Scenario.

    4. Select the Period by selecting a date range using the calendar icon.

    5. Select the Journal Types. Available values are Standard Journals, Dynamic Journals, and All Journal Types.

    6. Select the Status for journal entries. Available values are All (Status), In Process, Pending Review, Approved, Posted, Unposted, and Rejected.

    7. Select Journals.

    8. Select the Display for journal entries in report results by code, name, or both. Selecting Label displays the code and name for journal entries.

    9. Select the Sort Order, available options are By Period, By Status, and By Period & Status.

    10. Click Apply & Open. The report details appear at the bottom, within the Journal Entry Report dialog.

    Activity Log Report - What Is It and How Do I Run I  

    The Activity Log report contains data that can be used to review the activity associated with a given Validation. For example, for a selected period-Validation combination, you could review the number of times the Validation was run and the status of each run. This report is available for Validations Process only.

    To run and view the Activity Log report :

    1. In the Consolidation Control Panel, under Processes, click Validations. The Validations grid appears.

    2. Under Reports, click Activity Log. The Activity Log dialog appears.

    3. Select the Validation.

    4. Select the Period by clicking the calendar icon.

    5. Click GO. The report details appear at the bottom, within the Activity Log dialog.

    Variance Report - What Is It and How Do I Run It

    The Variance report is a standard report that your administrator must deploy. You can run a Variance Report by selecting a scenario, time period, Elimination, and Elimination accounts in various combinations. This report is available for the Eliminations Process only.

    Report values are displayed in common currency versus local currency.

    To run and view the Variance report :

    1. In the Consolidation Control Panel, under Processes, click Eliminations. The Eliminations grid appears.

    2. Under Reports, click Variance Report. The Variance Report dialog appears.

    3. Select the scenario.

    4. Select the fiscal year.

    5. Select the month.

    6. Select the Elimination Set.

    7. Select the Elimination accounts.

      Show/Hide option is a toggle to display or hide fields.
    8. Click Run. The report results display within the Variance Report dialog.

    Elimination Report - What Is It and How Do I Run It

    Run the Elimination report to view the results of Elimination Entries that were posted during the Elimination Process. You can view the Elimination Report by selecting time period, Elimination, and Elimination accounts in various combinations. This report is available for Eliminations Process only.

    To run and view the Elimination report :

    1. In the Consolidation Control Panel, under Processes, click Eliminations. The Eliminations grid appears.

    2. Under Reports, click Elimination Report. The Elimination Report dialog appears.

    3. The Scenario field for Eliminations is read-only.

    4. Select the month by selecting a month and fiscal year using the calendar icon.

    5. Select the Elimination Process.

    6. Select the Elimination account.

    7. Click Go. The report details appear within the Elimination Report dialog.

    Exchange Rates Report - What Is It and How Do I Run It

    The Exchange Rates report provides information on currency exchange rates used in the application. This report is available for all processes.

    To run and view the Exchanges Rates report :

    1. In the Consolidation Control Panel, click a process, then Reports, and then click Exchange Rates. The Exchange Rates page appears.

    2. Select a scenario.

    3. Select the year.

    4. Select the currency.

    5. The report displays data.

    Natural Account Balance Report - What Is It and How Do I Run It

    The Natural Account Balance report contains transaction level data. This report checks the natural balance as defined by you (debit/credit account property in segment hierarchies) and determines if the current period’s balance is different from the natural balance. If there is a difference, an email notification is sent to users to take appropriate action. This report is available for all processes.

    Examples of Natural Account Balances for accounts include:

    • Income – Credit balance

    • Expense – Debit balance

    • Assets – Debit balance

    • Liabilities – Credit balance

    • Equity – Credit balance

    To run and view the Natural Account Balance report :

    1. In the Consolidation Control Panel, under Processes, select the process. The grid for the process you selected appears.

    2. Under Reports, click Natural Account Balance Report, The Natural Account Balance Report dialog appears.

    3. Select the scenario.

    4. Select the fiscal year.

    5. Select the company.

    6. Select the fiscal month.

    7. Select the currency. Available values are Local and Common.

      The Show/Hide option is a toggle to display or hide fields.
    8. Click Run. The report details appear within the Natural Account Balance Report dialog.

    Verify Data Report - What Is It and How Do I Run It

    The Verify Data report is a standard report that your administrator must deploy. It provides confirmation on the accuracy of the data postings and information on the data source.

    Posting records are the lowest level members of a hierarchy.

    To preview the Verify Data report :

    1. In the Consolidation Control Panel, select a process, under Reports, click Verify Data. The Verify Data page appears.

    2. Select the display type. Available Display types are Code, Name, and Label. Selecting Label displays the code and name associated with the dimension parameters.

    3. Under Selection Criteria, select members for the dimensions displayed, and then click Preview. The report displays data.

    Validation Status Report - What Is It and How Do I Run It

    The Validation Status Report provides the status of processed Validations. This report provides a list of successful and failed Validations. Access this report from Validations Process.

    To run and view the Validation Status report :

    1. In the Consolidation Control Panel, under Processes, click Validations. The Validations grid appears.

    2. Under Reports, click Validation Status Report. The Validation Status Report dialog appears.

    3. The Scenario field is read-only and indicates the scenario associated with the Validations.

    4. Select the company.

    5. Select the Validation.

    6. Select the period by clicking the calendar icon.

    7. Click GO. The report details display within the Validation Status Report dialog.

    The Remarks column provides additional information on the Validation status. Validations that result in a zero with an asterisk (0*) indicate that there was no data in the Left Hand Side or Rand Hand Side box and the application has assumed it as zero. Do not get confused with a zero (0), which indicates that the formula resulted in a zero value.

    Consolidation Status Report - What Is It

    The Consolidation Status report is an opt in feature to view the status of the Consolidation Process for a given intersection (entity, scenario, period) within a close cycle. The Consolidation Status report offers several benefits, such as providing the necessary information to complete the close process in a timely manner. Further, consolidators can view the status by entity and time period they are responsible for. This report is available for the Consolidation Process only.

    Once the necessary General Ledger data is loaded, journal entry processing and consolidation activities are completed, the behind-the-scenes log stores each action with a date and time-stamp. For example, if you run the Consolidation Process, the application logs the activity and time, along with the consolidated action. All this information is available in the Consolidation Status report.

    If you modify data in a previous or current period, the consolidation status for all subsequent periods will be affected and year-to-date amounts. For example, if you modify data for July 2019, the Consolidation Status report will change for August 2019 and September 2019 as well.

    Security for the Consolidation Status report is at the data intersection and entity level. For example, if you only have access to the North America region, then you will only see that portion of the hierarchy for which you have been given access (i.e. North America and descendants) in the report.

    How to Run and View the Consolidation Status Report

    1. In the Consolidation Control Panel, under Processes, click Consolidation Process.

    2. Under Reports, click Consolidation Status. The Consolidation Status dialog appears.

    3. The Scenario is a read-only field that indicates the scenario associated with the Consolidation Process.

    4. Select the period by clicking the calendar icon.

    5. Select the company.

    6. Click GO. The report details with the Overview tab selected is displayed within the Consolidation Status dialog.

    How to Interpret the Consolidation Status Report Results

    Consolidations Status report results are spread across four different tabs —Overview, Consolidation Detailed, Standard Journals, and Validations. This section helps you understand the information on each tab. Note that all children of a parent entity display the same status as the parent.

    If a user has decentralized access at a leaf level entity, the Consolidation Status report provides status information for the leaf entity only and roll up level statuses will not be displayed.


    The Overview tab provides information on the consolidation status, data load, Standard Journals, locked, and Validations. The consolidation statuses are "Consolidation successful", " Not Started", "Consolidation required", "Consolidation was never performed", "Consolidation Process was performed", "Data has changed since the last Consolidation Process", and so on. You can drill down into unprocessed consolidations for more information.

    Consolidated Detailed

    The Consolidated Detailed tab provides information on the location of the modified data, the modifications itself (add, edit, etc.), the user who modified the data, and so on. For more information on modifications, click an individual process to open the pop-up message containing the most recent five modifications.

    Click the more... link to download an Excel report containing the modifications across all processes for the entity. When clicking the more... link at roll-up level, the Excel report provides information on modifications to all processes for all entities under the roll-up.

    Modification details are stored until the next Consolidation Process is run.

    Standard Journals

    The Standard Journals tab provides information on the unprocessed Standard Journals. The indicators used for the Overview and Consolidation Detailed tabs are the same. You can also drill down into unprocessed Standard Journals and export them to an Excel sheet.


    The Validations tab provides information on unprocessed and failed Validations. The indicators used for the Overview and Consolidation Detailed tabs provide the same purpose on the Validations tab as well. You can also drill down into unprocessed Validations and export them to an Excel sheet.

    Report Behavior

    The following is a sample Consolidation Status report that describes the behavior of each status for various processes.




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