Information for Experienced Power and Contributor Users
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    Information for Experienced Power and Contributor Users

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    More details about metadata download:

    • Before the model with Direct Access to PCR can be created, you must perform a Metadata Download. Note: If you have other models that use traditional integration with PCR, you have probably done Metadata Download before. However, you can ensure that HACPM_Financial is up-to-date with recent metadata by running the Metadata Download.

    • Metadata Download generates the source model called HACPM_Financial. This is a reserved model that cannot be modified or deleted. You can view its dimensions and members in Spotlight or SpotlightXL.

    More details about creating the model:

    • When you create the model, as soon as you click the option for Direct Access to PCR, the dimensions are automatically populated. There are no options for Key and Value types because the data is not being stored in Dynamic Planning. As a best practice, do not rename any of the dimensions at this time. If you do, the map will not be automatically created for you.

    • When you click Save after creating the model, a Map is automatically created (as long as no dimension names were changed). The Map is defined by default to download All Members for all dimensions. If you want to limit the amount of data available to the user, you can modify the Map before the model is generated. When you modify the map, you can filter certain dimensions to limit the amount of data being retrieved. You cannot limit the amount of data after the model has been generated for the first time.

    See How to Edit a Metadata Map for Direct Access to PCR.

    When you are first working with a model connected to PCR, you can download All Members of all dimensions and then get to know how to use Dynamic Planning. When you begin working on specific business use cases, then you can optionally modify the map to include the metadata only for the slices of data that you want.
    • You cannot modify the Map Type. The map type is Metadata.

    • Data dimension security that is defined within PCR is honored by Spotlight. However, all metadata for the Financial cube is visible to the users in Spotlight, with the exception of the Scenario dimension. For example, if a user has access only to the East region, they will see all the other regions in the Dimension list boxes but will see only data for the East region. Users will only see the scenarios that they have been given access to in PCR (Maintenance > Admin > User Management > select user > edit user > More > Scenario Access).

    More details about generating the model:

    • Before the model is generated, the menu options available for the model are the same as for normal models in Dynamic Planning. The available menu options are Generate and Delete Model.

    • After the model is generated, the menu options available for the model are different than for normal models in Dynamic Planning. The only available menu option is Clear Model. Lock Model is not available because the model is automatically locked after it is generated and cannot be unlocked.

    • When the model is generated, it is of type Master.

    • When the model is generated, a calculation is automatically created that serves to refresh the model. The calculation contains commands to Download Metadata, Unlock Model, Clear Model, Generate Model, and Lock Model. Normally, you do not need to use this calculation, but it is created as a convenience in case you want the ability to manually refresh the metadata in the model.

    • When viewing Application Statistics, the model will have 0 records and 0 bytes of data storage used because the data is not stored within Dynamic Planning. Dynamic Planning stores only the metadata that you want to use, as defined in the map, and any views or reports that you create.

    • After the model is generated, it cannot be converted back to a regular model without Direct Access to PCR.

    More details about modifying models with Direct Access to PCR:

    • You can use the Model menu commands to view Dimensions, Map, Calculation, Model Lookup, and Model Validation.

    • There is no need to run an aggregation calculation or any other calculation on the model because the model retrieves all data directly from the PCR financial reporting area.

    • You cannot save data on the model because the model is read-only and is to be used primarily for analysis and reporting.

    • You cannot run Breakback on the model because the model is read-only and is to be used primarily for analysis and reporting.

    • You cannot create or use formulas, maps, scopes, calculations, import/export, data (load), or external data source loads on the model.

    • You cannot modify model permissions.

    • You cannot add additional dimensions to the model.

    • You cannot write back data from Dynamic Planning to PCR.

    More details about data retrieval and performance:

    • When Dynamic Planning connects to PCR for data retrieval, it retrieves data according to the metadata map that was created when the model was created and generated.

    • Data is retrieved at runtime. Metadata is retrieved when the model is generated, when the refresh calculation is run, or when a user clicks Save after changing the hierarchy in PCR.

    • The performance of data retrieval will be comparable to the performance when using PCR dynamic reports.

    • If you want to move data from PCR into Dynamic Planning, use the traditional method as described in Dynamic Planning: Integration Admin Guide.

    • There is no limitation to the size of reports that can be created. (Views are limited by the Excel Analysis Cells count in Application Settings.) If you create a very large report, however, performance will degrade and users may experience a time out.

    • Change Data Tracking is not available on this model because the model is read-only and is to be used primarily for analysis and reporting.

    More details about limiting the size of the model and deleting the model:

    • Before deleting a model, consider making a backup, otherwise you will lose any views or reports that you have created. User Manage > Application Administration > Model Backup/Restore.

    • To delete a model with Direct Access to PCR, go to Model, Setup. First click Clear Model, then Delete. Beware that this operation also deletes all views and reports that the user had created.

    • If you find that the data in the model is too cumbersome to wade through, you can limit the amount of data that is retrieved. It is helpful to include only the data needed for your business analytic needs. While there is no way to go back and limit the metadata after the model has been generated, it is simple to create another model, specify Direct Access to PCR, and then modify the map to scope the model down to a smaller size before generating the new model. See How to Edit a Metadata Map for Direct Access to PCR.

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