Planning Templates Design Best Practices
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Planning Templates Design Best Practices

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Article summary

To ensure sustained template performance for your end users, follow the below recommendations that can guide you in making the most optimal choice while setting up templates. Feel free to contact Planful Customer Success for a review and advice when in doubt.

Budget Input Years Configuration

This is crucial in your template planning process and drives the application's performance.


    • Consider your planning horizon while deciding on the configuration. 
    • Keep the typical planning input configuration to 2 to 3 input years. 
    • Set up to five input years. Consult a planful solution architect if you want to set more than five input years.


Keep planning scenarios to a minimum for consistent performance.


    • Maintain fewer than 8 scenario partitions for Reporting and around 25 for planning.
    • Ensure to delete unused or test scenarios.


Keep the template size in check, as it impacts the performance of your template opening and saving.


    • Manage the template size to around 400 lines for optimal performance.
    • Re-evaluate templates exceeding 1000 lines.
    • Consult with a Planful solution architect for design review and optimization.
    • Use 10-line blocks for optimal efficiency. Learn more about block templates here.
    • Enable the Detach All upon Exit option for templates with multiple blocks for efficient opening and saving.
    • Ensure to delete unnecessary or unused templates.
    • Minimize the usage of Reference Account and Reference Cube lines.
    • Use attributes and calculations sparingly.
    • Use a low number of columns. Hiding columns does not improve performance.

Template Line Mapping With Wildcard (%)


    • Utilize '%' wildcards where possible instead of All mappings for history in Destinations and Reference Account mappings to enhance template opening efficiency.

Reference Cube (RC) Lines Impact

The template's performance may vary when there are Reference Cube (RC) lines. Template open times can be affected or fluctuate due to Cube processing frequency and performance. Exercise caution and be judicious when adding Reference Cube (RC) lines.


    • Keep the number of RC lines under 20.
    • Consider creating a separate template that is calc-only and not for regular user input in case of more Reference Cube or Reference Account lines.
    • Run this template via the Cloud Scheduler using the Simulation process at specific schedules.

Global Fields


    • Set up to 500 global fields per application for driver-based planning.
    • Aim for 10 global drivers per template and keep the total global drivers to 50 for optimal performance.

Simulation Processing

Use simulation processing tool for automated driver-based template and budget-entity processing.


    • Consider mapping to 200 to 300 template-entity combinations per process.
    • Run the concurrent simulations 2-3 at a time to maintain optimal application performance.
    • Use a Cloud scheduler for process flows and space them appropriately to sequence the processing. Consult a Planful solution architect for optimal setup and scheduling guidance. 

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