Dynamic Planning How to Cascade a Report
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Dynamic Planning How to Cascade a Report

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Article summary

To create a cascade report, you begin by opening a View that has the dimension on the row axis.

  1. Select the Analyze task and the Data subtask.

  2. Select the View.

  3. Select the Design Report, Report subtask.

  4. Select the entire spreadsheet as shown below.

    It is important when using Cascade Reports to select the entire spreadsheet before selecting the Design Manager to ensure the dimensions are represented correctly if the cascade option is used.


  5. Click Design Manager.

  6. On the Design Manager page, Cascade is available for row dimensions. Select the Cascade checkbox for the Company dimension.


  7. If Account was selected, Company would have automatically been selected as well because Account is nested (to the right of Company). Nested dimensions are referred to as inner dimensions. The outer dimension for this report is Company. Click the Selection icon to specify the Cascade options.



    For details on the Cascade Options, see Cascade Options and Filters.

  8. Click Select Member.

  9. The Member Selection page appears. Click on DecisionWorks Corporate and then click Select.


  10. Click the Selection icon. Select Filters.

  11. Select Sel+ Children of DecisionWorks.


    For details on the Cascade Filters, see Cascade Options and Filters.

  12. Click Update. Notice that the Company dimension is preceded with “Cascade”. This indicates that it is a cascading dimension.


  13. Apply formatting. For example, highlight cells in green and make the font larger.

  14. Click Save.

  15. Enter a name for the report and click save.

  16. Select the Run subtask to execute the report and apply cascading functionality.

    Notice that the parent company (DecisionWorks Corporate) is at the bottom of the report. When including a parent member as was done in step 11, the parent is always displayed at the bottom of the report.






    For complete information on the features within Cascade, see Dynamic Planning: Cascade Reporting.

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