Dynamic Planning Spotlight User Guide Supported Chart Types and Formatting on the Web
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Dynamic Planning Spotlight User Guide Supported Chart Types and Formatting on the Web

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Article summary


All chart types and formatting created in SpotlightXL are rendered in Spotlight Web Reporting.

Chart types supported in Spotlight Web Reporting are variations of bar, column, line, pie, and scatter.

Chart Type and Formatting Supported

Chart Title - Text

Chart Legend

Chart Color Palette

Chart Tooltip

Chart Style

Chart Position

Bar Chart

  • Clustered Bar

  • Stacked Bar

  • 100% Stacked Bar

  • 3D Clustered Bar

  • 3D Stacked Bar

  • 3D 100% Stacked Bar

Column Chart

  • Clustered Column

  • Stacked Column

  • 100% Stacked Column

  • 3D Clustered Column

  • 3D Stacked Column

  • 3D 100% Stacked Column

  • 3D Column

Line Chart

  • Line

  • Line with Markers

  • Stacked Line with Markers

  • 100% Stacked Line with Markers

  • 3D Line

  • Stacked Line

  • 100% Stacked Line

Pie Chart

  • Pie

  • 3D Pie

  • Pie of Pie

  • Bar of Pie

  • Doughnut

Radar Chart

Scattered Chart

Excel Formatting Supported

Font Size




Double Underline

Background Color

Text Color


Border - Top

Border - Right

Border - Bottom

Border - Left

Border Properties*

Border Color

Alignment - Left

Alignment - Center

Alignment - Right


Format - Number

Format - Currency

Format - Percent

Column Width

Row Height

Hide Gridlines

Hide Headers

Images in Reports

*Border Properties - All border properties are supported in Spotlight with the exception of Diagonal Borders (left and right) and Advanced dashed borders (beyond simple dashed border). If selected in the design mode of a report, when the report is rendered they will be reverted to the simple dashed border.

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