Dimension Security
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    Dimension Security

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    Secure dimension members (financial segments) based on reporting area and activate security for one or more dimensions. Navigate to Maintenance > Reports > Dimension Security. Before providing dimension security for a user, you must configure it. Click the Dimension Security Configuration tab.

    Dimension Security Configuration

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Reports > Dimension Security.
    1. Click the Dimension Security Configuration tab.
    1. Select the Copy Scenario Security to Report Security checkbox when you want to apply scenario security (defined on the Scenario Access page) to report security so that each user has access to view specific scenarios in the Reporting module.
    1. Select the reporting area to secure dimensions.
    1. If you selected the Sales reporting area, A checkbox appears. Select the Copy Sales Entity Security to Report Security checkbox to allow Planful to copy all sales entity security data to report security data.
    1. If you selected the Financial reporting area. A checkbox appears. Select the Copy Budget Entity Security to Report Security checkbox to allow Planful to copy all budget entity security data to report security data. This is for the Planning module.
    1. Select the dimensions you want to secure by clicking the Secure checkbox. This activates dimension security so that you can apply it to users on the Dimension Security Setup page.

    Apply Dimension Security to a User

    1. On the Dimension Security Setup page, select a user.
    1. Select a reporting area to select associated dimensions.
    1. Once dimensions are displayed, select members the selected user should have access to from the hierarchy displayed in the right pane as shown below. Then, click Save.

    Dynamic Dimension Security - Opt In

    In this section, Dynamic Dimension Security and Dimension Security are used synonymously.

    Dynamic Dimension Security significantly improves Dynamic Reports performance and is available on an opt-in basis. (If Workforce Reporting is turned on, Dynamic Dimension security is enabled by default.) This feature is applicable for the Financial and Workforce Reporting Areas.

    • If dimension security is turned on, but user access is not provided for the respective dimensions, the following message will appear:     

      "You are not authorized to access the Reporting Area.

       Contact your System Administrator.”

    • If access is provided to the user on the main hierarchy, access to the corresponding leaf members in the alternate hierarchy is automatic if dimension security is turned on. Alternate hierarchies have automatic permissions if Copy Budget Entity Security is selected on the Dimension Security Configuration page.
    • If access is provided to the user on a member within the main hierarchy, access is automatic to view the calculated members that are defined using the member on which the access is turned on in the dimension tree. However, the data calculation is displayed in the report for calculated members only if the user has access to all the members that are used in the calculated member rule. If the user does not have access to at least one member applied on the rule, the report is run successfully and an empty line is returned for the calculated line. This behavior is applicable only if dimension security is turned on.
    • If all attributes are selected, it applies only to those dimensions for which attributes are mapped and ignores the ones which are not mapped.

    Dimension Security Report

    The Dimension Security report contains information about a user’s access details.

    Click the Export to Excel drop-down on the Dimension Security Setup page. Export the Dimension Security report based on the following drop-down options:

    • Export All Users: Exports the Dimension Security report of all the users.

    • Export Selected User: Exports the Dimension Security report of a user selected from the Dimension Security Setup page.

    The Export to Excel drop-down list is available only for the Financial Reporting area.

    Important Details:

    • Dimension Security applied to attributes cannot be exported to the Dimension Security report.

    • You can download a report with a maximum size of 10MB.

    • You can download a report with a maximum of 100K rows.

    If you select the Export Selected User option, then the Dimension Security report is downloaded directly to your system. When you select the Export All Users option, a notification is displayed that the Dimension Security report has been submitted for processing. After the process is complete, a link to download the report is displayed. You can either click the link to download or you can view the report sent to your registered email address.

    When you export the Dimension Security report, all leaf members are displayed in level-based format if:

    • The user has access to a rollup member in the Dimension Hierarchy.

    • The Copy Scenario Security to Report Security and Copy Budget Entity Security to Report Security checkboxes are selected on the Dimension Security Configuration page.

    Only one row is displayed in the report (with the appropriate text) if you have access to the root node on a hierarchy or all scenarios.

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