Dynamic Commentary in Planning Template
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Dynamic Commentary in Planning Template

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Article summary

The Dynamic commentary feature enables you to post and view comments in planning templates and reports. We have enabled this feature in the GTSC, GTEC, Line Item, and Allocation template types.

You can perform the following with this feature:

  • Add cell-level comments
  • Edit, Delete, Highlight, Reply, or Resolve comments
  • Add text, #tags, and hyperlinks in the comments
  • Assign tasks and track their status from Task Manager
  • Mark Task as Complete in the Comment(s) pane
  • View all comments in the application and perform actions such as Delete and Highlight
  • All posted comments and associated actions can also be seen in the Comments Manager

Comments are currently available only for open periods for the below line types:

  • RC
  • L with posting (with or without sublines)
  • L with posting and history accounts (with or without sublines)
  • C with posting
  • C with posting and history accounts
  • RA with single account mapping

You can view an indicator whenever a comment is posted in the report. You can include the following in a comment:

  • Add a user - Type + and select the required username to tag the user in a comment. When you type +, username suggestions are provided automatically for ease of selection. A notification is sent to the tagged user. You can turn off the notifications if required.
  • Add # tags - Type # to find the most used tags in a comment.
  • Add URLs in a comment.
A maximum of 1024 characters are allowed in a comment. Additionally, up to 30 comments can be posted in a thread for any data intersection and a maximum of 50000 comments are allowed in the application.

Business Value

This feature facilitates user collaboration over different tasks. In addition, the ability to access and review/update templates in a single place will save time and extra effort involved.

The Dynamic Comment feature is always enabled by default. However, if you are unable to post your comment, go to the more icon and click Comments On.

You will now be able to add your comments to the template.

Follow the instructions below to learn how you can add a comment using this feature.

In Practice: To Post a Comment

  1. Select the required cell and right-click on it. From the drop-down, select Comments, and the Comment(s) pane is displayed.
  2. Enter the required text and click Comment. The comment is saved and displayed in the Comment(s) pane.

You can view an indicator whenever a comment is posted for a line type. So, right-click the cell with an indicator and click Comment. You can see the list of all the comments displayed for that particular line.
To view the comments for your templates (and for the entire application) at once, go to Maintenance > Admin and Comments Manager. Learn more.

In Practice: To Edit a Comment

  1. Click the More icon on the right-hand side of the Comments pop-up window and select Edit from the menu list.
  2. Make the required changes and click Save.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

You can edit the comments posted by you or any user.

In Practice: To Highlight a Comment

  1. Click the More icon on the right-hand side of the Comments pop-up window and select Highlight from the menu list.
    Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

You can highlight the comment(s) posted by you or any other user.

In Practice: To Delete a Comment

  1. Click the More icon on the right-hand side of the Comments pop-up window and select Delete Comment from the menu list. A confirmation message appears.
  2. Click Confirm to delete.
    Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated
  • You can only delete the comments posted by you or any other user.
  • If you delete the first comment in a thread, all the subsequent comments on the thread are automatically deleted.
    Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

In Practice: To Resolve a Comment

  1. You can resolve a comment thread by clicking the Resolve option in the first comment of the thread. Once you resolve a comment, the visual indicator is not displayed on the cells.
    Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated
If you resolve the first comment on a comment thread all the associated comments are resolved automatically.

In Practice: To Assign a task

  1. Right-click in the required cell and select Comment. The pop-up window appears.
  2. Enter + and type the user name.
  3. Select Assign.
  4. Add task title
  5. Due On - Select the required to date.
  6. Priority - Select any of the following:
    • Low
    • Medium
    • High
  7. Click Comment. A notification is sent to the mentioned user.

The assignees and admin will have access to the assigned tasks. You can view the task details from the Task Manager. You can change the Status of any of your assigned tasks or mark them as Completed directly from the Comments pop-up window. Once you mark a task as completed, the status will be updated on the Task Manager page.

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