Working with Custom Parameters for Integration Service Processes
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Working with Custom Parameters for Integration Service Processes

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Article summary

Once admin users have set up custom parameters (optional or required or both), users should follow the steps below to execute an Integration Services process.

In this example, the Process to execute Segment Hierarchies Load is created as an Integration Service process as shown below. And, two custom parameters are defined; one being required and the other is optional (see second image below).



In Practice

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > DLR > Integration Services.


  2. The Integration Service page is displayed. Select a process by name. Notice that the names in the Process Name list-box are populated from the processes defined on the Integration Process page.



  3. In this example, the Process to execute Segment Hierarchies Load is selected. Notice that the Loc (location) field is required, but the Val (value) field is optional. Required parameters are mandatory and the Integration Process will not execute without the parameter completed. Optional parameters are not required and it is up to the user as to whether the optional parameters are completed. If you execute the process without entering a value for the Loc field, the system will prevent it. The second image below shows the message that appears when a required field is not completed.

    Complete the required fields (as shown in the 3rd image below) and click Execute Process.




  4. You can view all processes by clicking the History tab, selecting a process name and the dates for which it was executed.

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