User Access to Hierarchies
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    User Access to Hierarchies

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    This is done through Approval Roles for budget entities (used in budget entity hierarchies).

    You can grant users read-only access to any of the dimension hierarchies by enabling the Standard Report named "Segment Hierarchy". Once deployed, a standard report is available in the File Cabinet that allows the user to see any of the dimension hierarchies.

    Define a User's Approval Role:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Admin > User Management.

    2. Select the user and click the More list-box.

    3. Select Approval Role Setup.

    4. (optional ) Select Edit Scenario to allow user to make copies of the Global Entity templatesfor budget entities, and to edit the global entity copy of the template for the budget entitiesduring budget input. (Note that users without this access will not be able to perform the Global Process on the Planning Control Panel page.)

    5. Click the cell under Level 1, then select the budget entity you want to give the user an approval role for.

    6. Click the cell under the Role column. A list of roles for the user for the budget entity appears (Budget Approver, etc.). Select a role, as defined on the Approval Role page, to associate with the user.

      • Click the cells under columns Level 2, Level 3, and so forth, to add drill-down capabilities to associate with role privileges. (For example, Level 1 might be associated with a worldwide organization, Level 2 with the American branch of the organization, Level 3 with the organization’s California offices, etc.)
      • Use the Add icon to add more rows to the grid if you want to assign more approval roles for the user. (To add multiple rows, add the number of rows in the text field to the left of the Add icon.)
      • To disassociate a role for the user, as well as all associated privileges, select the row then click the delete icon (garbage can).
    7. Click Save. To setup or edit more users, select them from the User pull-down menu and repeat the appropriate above steps.

    For financial segments (used in financial hierarchies) grant access via Dimension Security.

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