Compare Scenarios
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    Compare Scenarios

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    Article summary

    Why Use Compare Scenarios

    Use Compare Scenarios to compare data from one scenario with other scenarios by year. For example, you might compare budgets, actuals, and forecasts from one year to the next. You can have one or more compare scenarios (maximum of 6) to map in data from other scenarios as a reference for budget input users when making planning decisions. Compare scenarios are displayed in templates with a year total value while History periods (which are typically referenced for a Compare scenario) are displayed in both monthly and annual values.

    When to Use Compare Scenarios

    When you want comparative data in your templates, such as:

    • Historical actuals

    • Latest budget

    • Forecastdata from the prior pass in the budget cycle

    • Top-Down plan that communicates the budgetary targets

    How to Use Compare Scenarios

    Select the Enable Compare Scenarios checkbox on the Scenario Add or Scenario Edit page (accessed by navigating to Maintenance > Admin >Scenario Setup). Once on the Scenario list page, select a scenario and click Edit. Click the Compare Scenario tab. Click Enable Compare Scenarios.


    The number of compare scenarios available is based on configuration setup. In the image above, 2 compare scenarios are enabled for the application.

    Description of Fields on Compare Scenarios Page

    The information below describes the fields on the Compare Scenarios page based on the scenario referenced to compare that is selected. For example, if you select the Actual scenario as one of your compare scenarios, you will need to complete the fields in the table below.

    Scenario Referenced to Compare = Budget

    Scenario Name – Select the name of the scenario you want to reference as a compare scenario.

    Fiscal Year – Select the fiscal year you want to reference from the selected compare scenario.

    Scenario Referenced to Compare = Actual

    Column Header - Enter a name for compare scenario. The name you provided will appear on the template as a column header.

    Period From / Period To - Select the start and end month and year.

    Display Values in Annualized Mode - By selecting the Display Values in Annualized Mode checkbox, users can input a specific percentage in the "Adjusting Factor" field, which will be applied to the annualized value. This feature helps to facilitate the annualization of data when complete annual data is unavailable.

    Annualized mode is only applicable to the "MTD" data input type. Additionally, the display value in annualized mode will be visible only for the "Actual" scenario type.

    Scenario Referenced to Compare = Preloaded

    Scenario Name – Select the name of the scenario you want to reference as a compare scenario.

    Fiscal Year – Select the fiscal year you want to reference from the selected compare scenario.

    Scenario Referenced to Compare = Top Down

    Scenario Name – Select the name of the scenario you want to reference as a compare scenario.

    Fiscal Year – Select the fiscal year you want to reference from the selected compare scenario.

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