Data Allocation with Time Sets Recommendations
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    Data Allocation with Time Sets Recommendations

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    Article summary

    Data input made at the quarter / year level in input templates will be allocated to the month level based on the account type (Balance | Flow) and the account normal data input type configuration (MTD | YTD).

    For Accounts with Balance, YTD type:

    • Quarterly input will be allocated to the first period of the quarter and the same YTD number will be populated for all the remaining periods of the quarter.

    • The Yearly input will be allocated to the first period of the year and the same YTD number will be populated for all the remaining periods of the year.

    • Typically applicable for the Asset and Liability type Balance Sheet accounts.

    See the following data input and allocation cases:
    For Accounts with Flow, MTD type:

    • Quarterly input will be allocated equally for all the periods of the quarter.

    • Yearly input will be allocated equally to all the periods of the year.

    • Typically applicable for the Input and Expense type Income statement accounts.

    When you have a mix of Flow YTD or Balance MTD, the allocation is determined by YTD/MTD data input setup. But, the Flow and Balance account type setup influence how the balances are carried over.

    For certain statistical or special types of account (such as customer attrition rate, taxes, headcount), it's important to review the allocation behaviors while configuring your templates for data input.

    If closed periods exist in the allocation periods, the data will be allocated to the available budget periods only. For example, let's say the first two periods are closed in a quarterly input scenario. In this case, data posted will be allocated to the open period available.

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