Dynamic Planning: Using Excel Reporting
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Dynamic Planning: Using Excel Reporting

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Article summary


The links below are in sequential order so that you can get started quickly with Excel Reporting.

Purpose of Excel Reporting

With Excel Reporting, you can leverage the full set of formatting options that are natively available in Excel. You now have the best of both; the power of Dynamic Planning and added flexibility of Excel.

Use Excel Reporting when your model contains pertinent data that you want to use with a wide variety of Excel features to format an Excel Report, such as an Income Statement or Balance Sheet. With Excel Reporting, you can design and customize the worksheet as a report and place data and members from the model into the report freely. Data is updated from the cloud upon Refresh.

With Excel Reporting, users can:

  • Reference the data from Dynamic Planning into Excel

  • Design and run reports from Excel

    • Use a wide variety of Excel features for formatting the reports

    • Leverage Excel formulas, formatting, graphs, and other features

  • Publish the Excel workbook to Modeling

    • Publish (or upload) the workbook for collaboration

    • Open (or download) the workbook

  • Refresh data

    • Only data cells from Dynamic Planning are refreshed

    • Excel formulas and formatting options are retained as is during the refresh process

Sample Report

The following example contains data and members from a model along with Excel formatting.

  1. Table formatting is used

  2. Conditional formatting is used

  3. Font is changed to Arial Rounded Bold

  4. Cell comments were added

  5. Number formatting varies per quarter

  6. Columns were inserted containing formulas and sub-totals

  7. Totals were moved to the bottom and right


Excel Reporting Comparison to Views and Reports

The table below highlights the similarities and differences between views, reports, and Excel Reports.



Excel Report

Interactive query and analysis

Formatted report with restrictions on page, row, and column axes placement

Formatted report with no restrictions

Excel and web interface

Excel and web interface

Excel interface

No formatting

Support for most commonly used formats

Support for a wide variety of Excel formats

Reference data from one model

Reference data from multiple models

Reference data from multiple models


Support for substitution variables

Support for substitution variables

Save data to a single model

Save data to multiple models

No saving of data

Runs calculation process

Runs calculation process

No running of calculations

Drill Through data is supported

Drill Through data is supported

Drill Through data is not supported

Model and dimension security are supported

Model and dimension security are supported

Model and dimension security are supported



Publishing to the cloud is supported

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