Workforce Defaults
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    Workforce Defaults

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    Article summary

    Workforce Defaults must be set prior to creating Workforce templates or loading employee data.

    Set up Workforce Defaults

    On the Workforce Defaults page (accessed by navigating to Maintenance > WFP > Workforce Planning Setup and clicking the Workforce Defaults tab) the segments listed must be provided with defaults. Select a leaf level member as a default for each segment.

    The segments listed are populated based on the criteria you defined on the Define Workforce Planning Budgeting Criteria configuration task.



    Load Workforce Data Using Data Load Rules

    If you decide to use Data Load Rules to load your Workforce Data, you'll navigate to the Data Load Rules page (Maintenance > DLR > Data Load Rules ) and select Workforce Data as the Load Item on the New Data Load Rule page as shown below.


    You have several options for the Load Sub Item , which is based on the type of Workforce data you want to load for either Workforce Planning. A description of each Load Sub Item follows.

    • Workforce - Employee Data - Load employee position and attribute information or perform a complete load of employee information including compensations.

    • Workforce - Employee Compensation Item - Update salary (full-time or hourly wage type compensation items) and direct data Input compensation items in the Default scenario. This functionality allows you to incrementally update Workforce data versus reloading all Workforce data.

    Compensation Item Loads require that you load ALL compensation items for an employee.

    The following table reflects the columns that are required for this type of data load and some example row data:

    Employee #

    Plan Pos. / Pos. Desc.

    Compensation Code


    Default Value



    13400Default Pos





    Full time / Annualized Employee


    13400Default Pos





    Direct Data Input Comp Item


    13400Default Pos





    Hourly Employee

    • Workforce - Employee Allocations - Load employee allocations (allocation percentages) for all periods of each fiscal year (across cost centers). For example, if the start year is 2017 and the scenario covers a two year time period, the load should contain allocations for 2017 and 2018. Also, each allocation needs to total 100%. If an employee expenses relate to two different departments, the compensation must allocate to 100% across both departments.

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