Wildcard Support for Destination and Reference Account Lines
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Wildcard Support for Destination and Reference Account Lines

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Article summary

Planful supports wildcard (or special) characters when mapping data from Planful to your local chart of accounts and when you map Destination and Reference account lines during template setup. This section discusses wildcard use in Destination and Reference account lines specifically.

When setting up a template, you can map lines to segment/dimension members. You can choose to map a Destination account to populate a budget or forecast amount entered in a template against a general ledger (destination) account. Or, you might opt for a Reference account to look up of data from another template to populate the current template. For example, payroll accounts may be looked up from the Workforce template.

Template Supported Wildcards

Wildcards supported for template Destination and Reference account mappings are shown in the table below.

Wildcard Character
Usage Pattern




All source segments beginning with 123.



All source segments ending with 123.



All source segments containing 123.



More than one ‘%’ not allowed in sequence.

In Practice

Only the % wildcard is supported for Destination and Reference account mapping. It can be placed in front of or behind a number as shown in the image below. Based on the selections for the Destination Account mapping below, all history lines will be pulled for any account codes starting with 11.

If Posting was selected for Mapping and %11 for Account, all lines would post to accounts ending with 11.

In the Reference Account Mapping image below, all accounts starting with 15 will be referenced (looked up) in the template line.

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