Dynamic Planning How to Add a Leaf Level Member to a Hierarchy
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Dynamic Planning How to Add a Leaf Level Member to a Hierarchy

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Article summary

When adding new members (leaf or rollup) to a hierarchy, it is recommended that you use the ‘Append’ action available in the Dimension Hierarchy screen. The following documentation provides information on how to add a leaf level member to a hierarchy.

In this example, a new Cost Center member (called QA) is added to a Department hierarchy (displayed below), which is part of the Balance Sheet model.


  1. Select the Model task and the Dimension subtask.

  2. Select the Balance Sheet model (as shown below).


  3. Select the Department dimension as that is the dimension that contains the Cost Center member in which a leaf level member will be added.


  4. For Action, select Append.


  5. Enter the Member Code of the new dimension member, which is QA.

  6. Enter the parent member of the QA dimension in the Member Parent field, which is Cost Centers.

  7. Enter the Rollup Operator for the new member, which is + as the QA leaf level member rolls up to the Cost Centers member as shown below and click Save.


  8. Return to the View Action by selecting View from the Action list box as shown below. Notice the new QA member.


  9. Select the Analyze task and the Data subtask.

  10. Select the Balance Sheet model.

  11. Expand the Department dimension member to view the new QA member.

    You can now include this member in reports and views.

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