Dynamic Planning SpotlightXL User Guide Chart Formatting and Types
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Dynamic Planning SpotlightXL User Guide Chart Formatting and Types

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Article summary

If you are designing a report that will be used from Spotlight on the Web, see Spotlight User Guide: Supported Chart Types and Formatting on the Web.

Support in SpotlightXL includes the following.

Chart Formatting Supported

Chart Title - Text

Chart Legend

Chart Color Palette

Chart Style

Chart Tooltip

Chart Position

Bar Chart

Clustered Bar

Stacked Bar

100% Stacked Bar

3D Clustered Bar

3D Stacked Bar (not supported in Excel 2016)

3D 100% Stacked Bar (not supported in Excel 2016)

Column Chart

Clustered Column

Stacked Column

100% Stacked Column

3D Clustered Column (not supported in Excel 2016)

3D Stacked Column (not supported in Excel 2016)

3D 100% Stacked Column (not supported in Excel 2016)

3D Column

Line Chart


Stacked Line

100% Stacked Line

Line with Markers

Stacked Line with Markers

100% Stacked Line with Markers

3D Line

Pie Chart


3D Pie

Pie of Pie

Bar of Pie


Radar Chart

Scattered Charts

Other Unsupported Chart Types in SpotlightXL

Combo Chart

Surface and Surface 3D Chart

Stocks Chart

Bubble Chart

Water Fall Chart

Hierarchy Chart

Funnel Chart


Box & Whisker Chart

Tree Map Chart

Sunburst Chart

Excel Formatting Supported

Font Size




Double Underline

Background Color

Text Color


Border - Top

Border - Right

Border - Bottom

Border - Left

Border Style

Border Properties*

Border Color

Alignment - Left

Alignment - Center

Alignment - Right


Format - Number

Format - Currency

Format - Percent

Column Width

Row Height

Hide Gridlines

Hide Headers

Images in Reports*

Print Property* (not supported in Spotlight)

*Border Properties - All border properties are supported in SpotlightXL with the exception of Diagonal Borders (left and right). If selected in the design mode of a report, when the report is rendered they will be removed from the report entirely and they will also be removed from the Design mode.

*Images in Reports - All image types (for example, JPG, BMP, and PNG) that are supported by Microsoft Excel are also supported for Dynamic Planning. This includes the insertion of Clip Art. Image format properties such as size, effect, and crop (available under the Microsoft Excel FORMAT tab) are supported as long as the image is formatted prior to saving the report in SpotlightXL. There are no image size limitations or the number of images per report, however, we recommend you use no more than 3 images per report as performance may be impacted.

*Print Property - To save print settings for a specific report, open the report in Design Mode by selecting the Report task and the Design subtask. Select File, Print. Select print settings such as Orientation and Margins. Exit the Print menu and return to the SpotlightXL tab. Click Save. Print settings are now saved to the associated report. Print settings are report specific, however, they are not user specific.

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