22.2 Release Notes
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22.2 Release Notes

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Article summary

Structured Planning: Clear Data

With this release, as a Workforce admin user, you will have the ability to Preview, Export, and Delete Workforce Actuals data based on the combination of finance segments. All the finance segments are displayed under the workforce area in the Clear Data screen. In case of no data available for the selected segment combination, a notification is displayed when you click on Preview. You will be able to delete the data displayed based on the selection of segments on the Clear Data screen.

Business Values
This update will help in the deletion of data for selected combinations of segments including the finance segments. It will also help in deleting the incorrect actuals amount loaded to some departments or cost centers.

In Practice: To preview for specified segment combination

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Data Load Rules.
  2. Click Clear Data. The Clear Data screen is displayed.


  1. Select Area as Workforce from the drop-down list.
  2. In the Selection Criteria, the Scenario is set to Actual by default.
  3. Select time from the Select Time drop-down menu. You can select multiple time periods.
  4. Select an entity from the Home Budget entity drop-down menu. You can select multiple entities.
  5. Select a member from the Legal entity drop-down menu. You can select multiple entities.
  6. Select an account from the Natural Account drop-down menu. You can select multiple accounts.
  7. Select a department from the Department drop-down menu. You can select multiple departments.
  8. Select a project from the Project drop-down menu. You can select multiple projects.
  9. Select a member from the ICSegment drop-down menu. You can select multiple segments.


  1. Click Preview.


In Practice: To delete data using the specified segment combination

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Data Load Rules.
  2. Click Clear Data. The Clear Data screen is displayed.


  1. Select Area as Workforce from the drop-down list.
  2. In the Selection Criteria, the Scenario is set to Actual by default.
  3. Select time from the Select Time drop-down menu. You can select multiple time periods.
  4. Select an entity from the Home Budget entity drop-down menu. You can select multiple entities.
  5. Select a member from the Legal entity drop-down menu. You can select multiple entities.
  6. Select an account from the Natural Account drop-down menu. You can select multiple accounts.
  7. Select a department from the Department drop-down menu. You can select multiple departments.
  8. Select a project from the Project drop-down menu. You can select multiple projects.
  9. Select a member from the ICSegment drop-down menu. You can select multiple segments.


  1. Click the Delete icon. The data for the selected combination will be deleted.


Dynamic Planning: SpotlightXL Add-In WebView2 Control

Now, the Spotlight Add-In has been using the .Net Webbrowser control for the user login and Dynamic commentary; the IE browser has been in use at the runtime. With the deprecation of the IE browser support from Microsoft, we are providing users with WebView2 control which is based on the Microsoft Edge Chromium browser. It requires WebView2 runtime for the apps using it.

With this release, we have introduced a tenant level flag "NewWebBrowserControl" which will enable us to track WebView2 data installed on the customer's system and will analyze which users from the tenants have WebView2 installed in their machine. Admins can enable this flag for all the users in the system. Once the tenant flag is enabled, the SpotlightXL office Add-In will capture the flag details to check the WebView2 installation status on each user's system. You will be able to login via WebView2 control once the server details are captured. In case you face any issue while logging in from WebView2 control, you will have the option to Login via IE.
Where to Download WebView2:


You will be logged in via IE control for the first login, to capture the user level WebView2 installation status. For the next log in you can choose to log in via either of these options.

Below are the use-cases that are most likely to occur after the server details are captured post initial login:

  1. When the Tenant level flag is ON and the user has WebView2 installed in the user’s system:
  • User login will directly be done via WebView2 control. The login experience and the user interface will remain the same.
  • You will be able to SSO login with WebView2.
  • Last login URL details will be displayed in the URL dropdown. The last logged-in URL will open in webview2 as well.
  • Last login details will be captured in the Login page but will not be carried across different browsers controls in case the user switches between IE and WebView2.

IE login option will be available for the users until all the customers have opted for WebView2 installation. The login button will navigate you to WebView2 but in case of an issue, you will be able to login via IE browser.


  1. When the Tenant Level Flag is ON, WebView2 is Not Installed OR Tenant Level Flag is OFF; Webview2 Installed / Not Installed in user’s system:
  • Users will be logged in via IE. The user interface will remain the same.
  • While logging in to the SpotlightXL, you will see a notification requesting you to install WebView2. This will also contain a link to the WebView2 help documentation.
  • Once WebView2 is installed in the user’s system, login details will be captured and will allow you to login directly via WebView2 from the next login.




Once all the users have WebView2 enabled and no issues occur around it, then eventually the IE-based login option will be removed.

In Practice: To enable Tenant Flag

  1. Open SpotlightXL, go to your profile, and click Manage Your Account.
  2. Select Application Settings, scroll down and set the 'EnableNewBrowserControl' to Yes.


In Practice: To use WebView2 control

  1. In SpotlightXL, when the Tenant level flag is ON and the WebView2 runtime is installed in the system, Click Login.
  2. You will be navigated to the Login page in the Microsoft Edge Chromium browser.

In case you face any issue while logging in via WebView2, you can enable IE control beside the Login button and you will be navigated to the Login page.


In case the flag is not enabled even after this feature is available, the below notifications will be displayed.

Platform: Export Options for Budget Hierarchies

Now, you can export Budget Hierarchies in leaf-level and level-based formats using the  following two options in the More Options menu:

You can view the More Options menu in Read and Edit modes.

  • Export Leaf Level: When you select this option, the application exports all the leaf members and their properties in an excel format.
  • Export Level Based: When you select this option, the application exports all the leaf members and their properties in an excel format. The roll-up members corresponding to the leaf members are also exported.

Business Value:
This update streamlines the export options available for Finance and Budget Hierarchies. Initially, the Export Leaf Level and Export Level Based options were missing for Budget Hierarchies, resulting in certain exporting limitations. Adding these options provides more flexibility to the Budget Hierarchies export options.

In Practice: Accessing the Export Leaf Level and Export Level Based options:

  1. Go to Maintenance > Hierarchy Management.
  2. From the Hierarchy Selection, select the Entity Hierarchy option in the Type list.
  3. Select the Budget Hierarchy option from Dimension and Hierarchy lists.
  4. Select the More Options menu on the menu bar.

You can view the Export Leaf Level and Export Level Based options in the More Options menu list.

Platform: Custom URL

Now, Planful customers can have a custom URL for their Planful application. You can create the URL based on the name of the company. For example, a custom Planful URL may look like xyz.planful.com.

This feature is available as an opt-in for the customers, and you can reach out to Planful Support to create a Custom URL for your application. If you use different URLs for Structured Planning and Dynamic Planning, we recommend unifying the URLs with OneLogin before the URL customization.

The following settings that you might have configured with the old URL are lost after you implement the custom URL. You have to reconfigure them again with the custom URL:

  • The Remember User Name on the landing page is lost.
  • The **Remember password **settings is lost.
  • The cookie settings to remember the two Factor Authentication OTP is lost.
  • Authenticator app configuration. You have to reconfigure the authenticator app.
  • The notification settings are lost.


  1. After you have created a Custom URL, if you click any old link that was generated (the links in the email specifically related to Graffiti and Task Manager) before creating the Custom URL, the old link will not redirect you to the Custom URL. You will be redirected to the login page where you have to re-login into the application.
  2. If you have logged in to the application through Custm URL, and receive the following error message while trying to configure Box setup, please contact the Planfuls Support team to resolve the issue.
  • Though you have configured Custom URL for you application, the standard system generated emails related to the following actions will have the old link:
  • User locked - Invalid Attempts
  • 2FA
  • Forgot Password
  • 90 days Expiry – Expired
  • User Sync New User Add
  • User Add from Admin
  • User Unlock from Admin
  • User - Send email from Admin

Platform: Template Re-Ordering option in Capital and Allocation Templates

Now, you can reorder the rows in a template setup screen. You can use this option to restructure the defined templates. The Move Row Up and Move Row Down arrows options are in the top menu of the template screen.

When you select a row and click the Move Row Up/Down arrows, the contents in the selected row move accordingly, and the remaining rows are adjusted automatically. The number of rows up/down depends on the number of times you click the option.


This feature is applicable only for the Default Scenario.

Business Value:
Initially, the users could not restructure the contents in a template as per their business needs. The Move Row Up/Down features would enable the users to modify the content and save them as per their needs.

In Practice: Accessing Move Row Up/Down feature

  1. Go to Maintenance > Template Setup. The Template list screen appears.
  2. Select the required template.

For now, the Move Row Up/Down feature is available in GTSC, GTEC, Allocation, New Line Item, Capital, and Allocation templates.

  1. From the Scenario list, select the Default Scenario option.
  2. From the Setup list in the menu bar, select the Template Setup option. The selected template is displayed.
  3. Select any row and click on the Move Row Up/Down icons in the menu bar to change the row location of the selected row.
  4. Click Save to update the changes.

It is the Admin’s responsibility to verify the functionality of the formulas in the moved and adjusted rows. Using the Move Row Up/Down feature in a new or an empty template is recommended to avoid any discrepancies.


Platform: History Feature in Block and Capital Templates (Preview)

We are releasing this feature for Preview only! It will be available in the Sandbox environment. We suggest that you test this feature and familiarize yourself with the functionality.

Now, you can view the history of the data changes on the source data available in the templates. You can double-click on any record from the template to view the history. The history contains information like dimension intersection details, who changed the data, the timestamp of the data change, and the details about the changes.

This functionality is applicable only when the Ivy framework is enabled in the application. Reach out to Planful Support to enable Ivy in your Sandbox application.

Business Value
Templates act as structures that hold budget data like scenarios, attributes, and entities. You can design templates based on your business needs. The History feature verifies the updates made to the source data in the templates. It provides information like who changed the data, the timestamp of the data change, and the details about the changes.

In Practice: Accessing History from Templates:

    1. Go to Structured Planning and select a Scenario. The Budget Hierarchy of the selected scenario is displayed.
  1. Select the required leaf member in the hierarchy. All the templates related to the selected leaf member are listed in the Template section.
  2. Select the required template.

For now, the History feature is available in GTSC, GTEC, Allocation, New Line Item, Capital and Block templates.

  1. Click the Input option available under the Template Workflow section. The details of the selected template are displayed.
  2. Select any cell in the template and the History toggle is displayed on the top right corner of the template.

For this release, you can view the History of the data related to Open Periods of the following Line Types:

  • L with posting (with or without sublines)
  • L with posting and history accounts (with or without sublines)
  • C with posting
  • C with posting and history accounts
  • RA with single account mapping
  1. Enable the History toggle to view the history of the data.


Disable the history toggle to stop the history view.

  • The history is displayed for a given dimension intersection across all the source types.
  • Up to 1000 rows (latest ones) are displayed in the history of Drill Through. Each page will display up to 100 records.

Predict: Added Fiscal Year to the Signals Context Pop-up

The Signal Context pop-up window displays the Fiscal year of the GL combination you are viewing. This update ensures that you know the fiscal year of the data in the Signals Context pop-up.


Predict: Added Signals in DR for Consolidation Report

Predict Signals now supports Signals on Actuals that flags anomalies on actuals in your consolidation/variance reports.

With this release, you can view the signals for the data available in the books while you close them. The data can be for a month, or a quarter, or a year. For example, you close the books of January in the first or second week of February. Similarly, the first few days of Q2 quarter are considered for the Q1 quarter and so on.

The Signals on Budget/Forecast Scenarios displays the signals from the current month onwards till the end of the fiscal year, whereas, Signals on Actuals displays the signals from the beginning of the fiscal year till the current month. Whenever you select an actual scenario, the application assumes that this is a consolidation activity or that the user is doing a variance analysis of actuals and budget/forecast.


If you have selected Actuals and Budget or Forecast scenarios together or only the Actuals Scenario, the Signals will be shown on the Actuals data and not on the Budget or Forecast data.


There is no support for Dimension Attributes in this release.

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