22.1 Release Notes
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22.1 Release Notes

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Article summary

Structured Planning: File Load Enhancement

With this release, the WorkForce Actuals data load rule is now added under the flag Horizon_DataLoad_For_FileUpload. If the flag is enabled, the data is loaded in the Async mode. In the Async mode, you need not wait in the Load Data screen for the data load to complete. Instead, you can navigate to multiple screens and continue work while the data is being loaded.

An ADC task is added to the Async load. Now, when you click Finish in the Load Data screen, the ADC task is submitted, and a notification confirming the task submission is sent. After the task is completed, you will receive a notification containing details of the load status. You can also see the detailed log of entries in the Job Manager screen. The data is loaded in Sync mode if the flag is not enabled. The Sync and Async functionalities work based on the flag status.


Structured Planning: WorkForce Actuals

With this release, you can use Webservices to load Workforce Actuals automatically. Previously you could manually load data using the File Load and Copy-Paste options. Once the WorkForce Data load is complete, you will receive an email with the load status. This feature will help reduce the manual work of loading WorkForce employee actuals and allow you to automate the loading process for any specified time period.

In Practice: To use Webservices in Data Load Rules:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Data Load Rules.
  2. Click New Data Load Rule available in the side navigation.
  3. Enter a Name for the Data Load Rule.
  4. Select Webservices from the Load Type drop-down list. File Load and Copy-Paste are the other two Load Types supported by the system.
  5. Select Workforce Planning Load Item from the drop-down list.
  6. Select Workforce- Employee Actuals Load Sub Item from the drop-down list.
    Workforce- Employee Actuals is a new Load Sub Item that has been added to the drop-down list in Load Sub Item.

  7. Now click Next. The Select Sample Input File screen is displayed.

    Select Sample Input File Screen:

  8. Fill all the fields with specific data and click Next. The Define Overall Rule Settings screen is displayed.

    Define Overall Rule Settings Screen:

  9. Fill all the fields with specific data and click Next. The Manipulate Input File screen is displayed.
    Manipulate Input File Screen:

  10. You need not make any changes to this screen. Click Next to navigate to the Define Data Mappings screen.
    Define Data Mappings Screen:

  11. You need to map fields in the Source Column to the values available in the Maps To field drop-down lists.

  12. Now, click Next. The Load Data Screen is displayed.
    Load Data Screen

  13. Click Finish.

  14.  Once you click Finish, you will receive a Data Load success message.

Structured Planning: Clear Data

With this release, as a Workforce admin user, you will have the ability to Delete Actuals data based on the entity access. If you do not have access to the entities will not be able to see the Workforce data. You will also be able to export the data based on the selections in the Selection Criteria column, allowing you to maintain a file of data for future references. You can also delete the wrong actual amounts loaded into the planful system by specifying the home budget entity and time period. Before deleting actuals for a Home Budget Entity, you can also preview the data to verify before the deletion.

Business Value

This change will provide flexibility in deleting the amounts for a specified Entity. It will also restrict unauthorized users from viewing and accessing sensitive Employee payout information.

In Practice: To Preview for Specified Home Budget Entity

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Data Load Rules.
  2. Click Clear Data. The Clear Data screen is displayed.
  3. Select Area as Workforce from the drop-down list.
  4. In the Selection Criteria, the Scenario is set to Actual by default.
  5. Select time from the Select Time drop-down menu. You can select multiple time periods.
  6. Select an entity from the Home Budget entity drop-down menu. You can select multiple entities.
  7. Click Preview.

In Practice: To Export Data for Specified Home Budget Entity

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Data Load Rules.
  2. Click Clear Data. The Clear Data screen is displayed.
  3. Select Area as Workforce from the drop-down list.
  4. In the Selection Criteria, the Scenario is set to Actual by default.
  5. Select time from the Select Time drop-down menu. You can select multiple time periods.
  6. Select entity from the Home Budget entity drop-down menu. You can select multiple entities.
  7. Click Export to CSV. A message is displayed confirming the submission of the export request.
  8. A message is displayed once the file is exported.
  9. Click the download link in the confirmation message to download the zip file containing the data.
  10. Click the another link in the confirmation message to view the status in the Job Manager.
You can view, export, and delete all Actuals data posted against the Actual scenario with these options.

Structured Planning: Extraction of Allocations Data API - GetEmployeesAllocationsData

With this release, we have introduced an API to pull allocations data of employees from the Planful Application for the WorkForce Integrations. To pull allocations data the user has to process all the employees. All the employees mapped to compensation items should be processed, if the accounts mapped to those compensation items are updated.


Per API call the system will pull the allocations data upto 500 employees for a specified single year.

  • Scenario
  • Employee Number
  • Employee Name
  • Position Description
  • Home Budget Entity
  • Compensation Item
  • Seg1 to Seg 8
  • Fiscal Year
  • Fiscal Months/periods (month name and fiscal month)
  • Allocation percentage
  • Amount (LC, CC, and Position Budget entity currency)

You can filter the Allocations data using the below-mentioned fields for the filtering combination:

  • Scenario
  • Fiscal Year
  • Employee Number
  • Position Description
  • Home Budget Entity
  • Compensation Item
  • Accounts
  • Fiscal Month/Period specified as numeric
Scenario and FiscalYear are mandatory fields.

The below fields will be optional and needs to be provided as part of AllocationFilters :

  • Employees
  • Positions
  • HomeBudgetEntities
  • CompensationItems
  • FiscalMonths
  • Accounts

All the allocation data will be extracted for existing employee positions if the Employee Number is provided. Similarly, the specific employee position data will be extracted if the Employee Number and Position Description are provided.

Accounts and Compensation Item fields are available in the API response irrespective of the tenant configuration, By Compensation or By Department.
Per API call the system will pull the allocations data upto 500 employees for a specified single year.

For more information see OLH.

Structured Planning: LoadEmployee API Enhancement

With this release, you will be able to update employee data or an employee position in the LoadEmployee API. You can either update a single or multiple employee position. If multiple positions are specified in the data load, you will have to provide new values for the Employee Number, Employee Name, and Employee Position Description fields. All the updated values will be reflected in an Audit log file. In addition, you will now be able to process employee data using the process option.

If duplicate positions exist, we do not load/update such positions

For more information see OLH.

Structured Planning: Entity Status API- BudgetEntitiesStatus

With this release, we have introduced an API that allows you to get the status of a specified entity from the Budget Entity Hierarchy, including the roll-ups for a selected scenario. If a user provides status in the request, then all the entities in the request status will be given in the response. This helps you to know the progress of cost center budgeting. This functionality will significantly reduce the manual work and time involved in tracking the status of cost centers during the budgeting. In the output file, Budget Entity Code and Budget Entity Name are separate entries.

You will be able to filter the data based on either Budget Entity Code or Budget Entity Label.

For more information see OLH.

Structured Planning: Delete Employee Positions API- DeleteEmployeesAndPositions

With this release, we have introduced an API that allows you to delete employee positions to eliminate duplicate employee positions or inactive positions. You can delete single or multiple employee positions. When you delete employee positions, the audit log gets updated. You can use the following fields to filter the output:

  • By Scenario
  • By Home Budget Entity
  • By Employee
  • By Employee and Position Description

For more information see OLH.

Structured Planning: Enhancements to GetEmployeeCompensationsForPeriods

With this release, you will be able to get Account details for calculated compensation items. Previously you only had the HomeBudgetEnity (Codes), EmployeeNumbers, Employee name and EmployeePosition, Compensation Item, Time (year) filtering options. Now, along with the existing filtering options, you can also apply Account as a filter. The existing filtering behavior will remain as is. The generated output will contain details such as Compensation Code, Compensation Name, Account, Home Budget entity Code, Home Budget Entity Name, Position Budget Entity Code, Position Budget Entity Name.

For more information see OLH.

Reporting: History feature in Drill Through Report (Preview)

We are releasing this feature for Preview only! It will be available in the Sandbox environment. We suggest that you test this feature and familiarize yourself with the functionality.

Now, you can view the history of the data changes on the source data. You can double-click on any record from the Drill Through report to view the history. The history contains information like who changed the data, the timestamp of the data change, and the details about the changes.

This functionality is applicable only when the Ivy framework is enabled in the application. Reach out to Planful Support to enable Ivy in your Sandbox application.

Business Value

A Drill Through report provides a detailed analysis of the source data, notes associated with the source data, and a drill-down of the roll-up members. Though this is useful information, the history of the source data was not available. Therefore, a history feature has been introduced to verify the history of the source data. It provides information like who changed the data, the timestamp of the data change, and the details about the changes.

In Practice: Accessing History from Dynamic Reports:

  1. From the left menu, click the Dynamic Reports option.
  2. From the File Cabinet drop-down menu, select the required folder. The reports related to the selected folder are displayed.
  3. Click the required report to view the report details.
  4. Double click on the cell for which you want to view the related Drill Through report.
  5. Select the required tab to view the report. History is available for Operational Planning, Capital Planning, GL Data Loads, Consolidations, and not available for Transactions, Translations, Workforce Planning tabs in Drill Through.
  6. Double click on any record in the report.
  7. The history of the record is displayed. If the record has no data change history, an appropriate message is displayed.

In Practice: Accessing History from Dashboards:

  1. From the left menu, select the Dashboards option.
  2. Click on any dashboard to view the related chart details.
  3. Right-click on any parameter of any chart and click Drill Through to view the related Drill Through report.
  4. Select the required tab to view the report. History is available for Operational Planning, Capital Planning, GL Data Loads, Consolidations, and not available for Transactions, Translations, Workforce Planning tabs in Drill Through.
  5. Double click on any record in the report.
  6. The history of the record is displayed. If the record has no data change history, an appropriate message is displayed.

Disable the history toggle to stop the history view.

- The history is displayed for a given dimension intersection across all the source types.
- Up to 1000 rows (latest ones) are displayed in the history of Drill Through. Each page will display up to 100 records.

Platform: History feature in Templates (Preview)

We are releasing this feature for Preview only! It will be available in the Sandbox environment. We suggest that you test this feature and familiarize yourself with the functionality.

Now, you can view the history of the data changes on the source data available in the templates. You can double-click on any record from the template to view the history. The history contains information like dimension intersection details, who changed the data, the timestamp of the data change, and the details about the changes.

This functionality is applicable only when the Ivy framework is enabled in the application. Reach out to Planful Support to enable Ivy in your Sandbox application.

Business Value

Templates act as structures that hold budget data like scenarios, attributes, and entities. You can design templates based on your business needs. A History feature is introduced to verify the updates made to the source data in the templates. It provides information like who changed the data, the timestamp of the data change, and the details about the changes.

 In Practice: Accessing History from Templates:

  1. Go to Structured Planning and select a Scenario. The Budget Hierarchy of the selected scenario is displayed.
  2. Select the required leaf member in the hierarchy. All the templates related to the selected leaf member are listed in the Template section.
  3. Select the required template.
    For now, the History feature is available in GTSC, GTEC, Allocation, and New Line Item templates.
  4. Click the Input option available under the Template Workflow section. The details of the selected template are displayed.
  5. Select any cell in the template and the History toggle is displayed on the top right corner of the template.
    For this release, you can view the History of the data related to Open Periods of the following Line Types:
    - L with posting (with or without sublines)
    - L with posting and history accounts (with or without sublines)
    - C with posting
    - C with posting and history accounts
    - RA with single account mapping
  6. Enable the History toggle to view the history of the data.

Disable the history toggle to stop the history view.

- The history is displayed for a given dimension intersection across all the source types.
- Up to 1000 rows (latest ones) are displayed in the history of Drill Through. Each page will display up to 100 records.

Platform: Transfer Data Rest API

The Transfer Data rest API loads the data into the Planful database from the source database. You should perform the following steps to use the API:

  1. Generate The API Key
  1. Get the list of DLRs
  1. Transfer the Data

Generate the API Key

Generate an APIKey and provide the same in the header to get the list of DLRs and transfer the data.



Endpoint Url Syntax

<Provide Application Url>/auth/login

Content Type


Sample Body


“Username”: “xyz@planful.com”,

“Password”: “Ayz@123”,

“TenantCode”: “Apr2021Demo”,

“ClientType”: “OfflinePlanning”


When you run this, an authorization key is generated. The generated key is valid for 2 hours.

Get the list of DLRs

You can use the following syntax to get the complete list of DLRs:



Endpoint Url Syntax

<Provide Application Url>/financemodel/data/rules





Authorization Key

Sample Response



"DataLoadRuleId": 600003,

"Name": "Account",

"LoadItem": "Segment Hierarchies"



If you want to get the list of only GL Data DLRs, use the following endpoint url syntax:

<Provide Application Url>/financemodel/data/rules/gl

If you want to get the list of only Transactions Data DLRs, use the following endpoint url syntax:

<Provide Application Url>/financemodel/data/rules/transactions

Transfer the Data

You can transfer the data from the source database to the Planful database in either a single transfer or batches. If the # records are within the permissible limits, you can transfer the data in a single API call. If the # records are beyond the limits, you must make multiple API calls to send the data in batches.

The data transfer honors the limits set for web services data loads. The default data transfer limit is set to 10,000 records for each request. Similarly, if the size of the request is more than 1 MB, the API returns the error message as 413 (entity too large).

Single Transfer

You can use either a POST method or a PUT method to transfer the data in a single API call.



Endpoint Url Syntax

<Provide Application Url>/financemodel/data/transfer





Authorization Key

IsLoadCompleted (applicable only for PUT Method)




"dataLoadRuleId": DataLoadId,

"dataLoadRuleName": "DataLoadRuleName",

"columnDelimiter": ",",

"rowDelimiter": "|",

"payload": "1,2|2,3|3,4|4,5|5,6|6,7|7,8|8,9|9,10"





DataLoadId. You can pick the required DLR ID from the DLR list you generated previously.


DataLoadRuleName. Provide the name of the DLR related to the DLR ID.


Provide the value for the column separator. For example - ,


Provide the row delimiter produced by the system (other than the newline character). For example - |


Provide the number of rows and columns from where the data will be transferred.

Sample Body


"dataLoadRuleId": 600205,

"dataLoadRuleName": "REST1 WS GL Data",

"columnDelimiter": ",",

"rowDelimiter": "|",

"payload": "1,2|2,3|3,4|4,5|5,6|6,7|7,8|8,9|9,10"



The response contains a success or a failure message with a GUID for tracking. If the API call is successful, the response code for Sync DLRs is 200 OK, and for Async DLRs, the response code is 202 Accepted.

Data Transfer in Batches

Following is the series of API calls you have to make transfer the data in batches:




Endpoint Url Syntax

<Provide Application Url>/financemodel/data/transfer





Authorization Key



"dataLoadRuleId": DataLoadId,

"dataLoadRuleName": "DataLoadRuleName",

"columnDelimiter": ",",

"rowDelimiter": "|",

"payload": "1,2|2,3|3,4|4,5|5,6|6,7|7,8|8,9|9,10"


Sample Body


"dataLoadRuleId": 600205,

"dataLoadRuleName": "REST1 WS GL Data",

"columnDelimiter": ",",

"rowDelimiter": "|",

"payload": "1,2|2,3|3,4|4,5|5,6|6,7|7,8|8,9|9,10"



The response contains a success or a failure message with a GUID for tracking. If the API call is successful, the response code for Sync DLRs is 200 OK, and the response code for submission of Async DLRs request is 202 Accepted.

Note: Save the GUID to use it in further steps.

Request 2



Endpoint Url Syntax

<Provide Application Url>/financemodel/data/transfer





Authorization Key

DataLoadExecutionId (applicable only for PUT Method)

Provide the GUID generated in the previous request 1.



"dataLoadRuleId": DataLoadId,

"dataLoadRuleName": "DataLoadRuleName",

"columnDelimiter": ",",

"rowDelimiter": "|",

"payload": "1,2|2,3|3,4|4,5|5,6|6,7|7,8|8,9|9,10"


Sample Body


"dataLoadRuleId": 600205,

"dataLoadRuleName": "REST1 WS GL Data",

"columnDelimiter": ",",

"rowDelimiter": "|",

"payload": "1,2|2,3|3,4|4,5|5,6|6,7|7,8|8,9|9,10"




Send this request multiple times till you transfer the complete data.

Last Request

The request for the last batch of the data must have the following parameters;



Endpoint Url Syntax

<Provide Application Url>/financemodel/data/transfer





Authorization Key

DataLoadExecutionId (applicable only for PUT Method)

Provide the GUID generated in the previous request 1.





"dataLoadRuleId": DataLoadId,

"dataLoadRuleName": "DataLoadRuleName",

"columnDelimiter": ",",

"rowDelimiter": "|",

"payload": "1,2|2,3|3,4|4,5|5,6|6,7|7,8|8,9|9,10"


Sample Body


"dataLoadRuleId": 600205,

"dataLoadRuleName": "REST1 WS GL Data",

"columnDelimiter": ",",

"rowDelimiter": "|",

"payload": "1,2|2,3|3,4|4,5|5,6|6,7|7,8|8,9|9,10"




Platform: Template Re-Ordering

Now, you can reorder the rows in a template setup screen. You can use this option to restructure the defined templates. Move Row Up and Move Row Down arrows options are introduced in the top menu of the template screen.

When you select a row and click the Move Row Up/Down arrows, the contents in the selected row move accordingly, and the remaining rows are adjusted automatically. The number of rows up/down depends on the number of times you click the option.

This feature is applicable only for the Default Scenario.

Business Value

Initially, the users could not restructure the contents in a template as per their business needs. The Move Row Up/Down features would enable the users to modify the content and save them as per their needs.

In Practice: Accessing Move Row Up/Down feature

  1. Go to Maintenance > Template Setup. The Template list screen appears.
  2. Select the required template.
    For now, the Move Row Up/Down feature is available in GTSC, GTEC, Allocation, and New Line Item templates.
  3. From the Scenario list, select the Default Scenario option.
  4. From the Setup list in the menu bar, select the Template Setup option. The selected template is displayed.
  5. Select any row and click on the Move Row Up/Down icons in the menu bar to change the row location of the selected row.
  6. Click Save to update the changes.

It is the Admin’s responsibility to verify the functionality of the formulas in the moved and adjusted rows. Using the Move Row Up/Down feature in a new or an empty template is recommended to avoid any discrepancies.

Platform: Label for Adra

From this release, the Adra option is renamed to Account Reconciliation. The renamed option appears in multiple locations in the application like:

  • Tenant Admin - components
  • Navigation access
  • Left nav tooltips
  • Global Search
  • Task Manager
  • Audit Log

Platform: Enhanced the User Management page

Now, we have enhanced the look and feel of the User Management page under Maintenance > Administration > User & Role Management. The following are the changes you will be able to see on this screen.

  • The previous User Name and User Email columns have been merged to create the new Users column.
  • The new Users column will also display the avatar icon/profile picture of the user.
  • The user’s avatar icon/profile picture will be replaced with the locked symbol when the user profile is locked. The Locked Status column has been deprecated.
  • Previously, there was no color coding for the Status column, which has now been implemented. You will see the Inactive status in red font color and Active in green.
  • The common filter icon has been removed and replaced with individual filter capabilities for all fields.
  • Enhanced the date filters to allow you to sort and select dates as per your choice.
  • Deprecated the Not Applicable text under the Expiry Date column. Now, only user profiles with an expiration date set will have the date displayed in the Expiry Date column.

Platform: Enhanced the Session Timeout window

Now, we have enhanced the look and feel of the session timeout window.

Previously, the pop-up window allowed you to dismiss it using the (x) close window icon, and the timer did not display seconds. In addition, the pop-up did not show the time in an eye-catching manner. These points are addressed in the updated popup window.

You can now see the number of minutes and seconds remaining before your session timeout. After the timer ends, you will automatically be logged out of the session.

Predict: Enhanced Signals by Introducing Current Month Selection

Now, in Signals Overview and in Signals in Dynamic Reports, you can specify the definition of the Current Month. Previously, the current calendar month was treated as the current month by Signals, which drove the Signal's behavior.

Business Value

This functionality allows you to choose your Current Month. This has been implemented because, in some use cases, the current month can be different from the current calendar month.

In Practice

1. Go to Maintenance > Admin > Configuration Tasks. The Configuration Tasks List page appears.

2. Under Planful: Predict, click Predict: Signals. The Predict: Signals page appears.

3. From the Select Current Month drop-down, you can select the current month defined in the Cube Settings page. In the Cube Settings page, go to the Substitution Variables section and select the substitution variable @CURMTH@ under the Financial Reporting Area and Time Dimension. You can also view the Derived Variables of the @CURMTH@ chosen to select a current month that comes twelve months before or after the current month.

The current Calendar month will be considered as the current month by default. You can configure the current month in Cube Settings. For the current month setting to take effect, you need to perform Model Training.

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