Application Audit Details - Audit Area
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Application Audit Details - Audit Area

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The table below provides a detailed overview of each audit area, helping you understand the specifics of the tracked activities.

Audit AreaDescriptionNavigation
Actual Data Load MonthsThe system logs all the actions updated to the actual data load months on the Lock Data page.Maintenance > Report Administration > Lock Data
Actual Data Load Through TemplateWhen a user performs any action related to actual data loading through a template in the Consolidation Control Panel, it gets logged in the audit area. The log includes opening the template (when a user opens a template in input mode) and actual data loading (if any changes are made to the template).Consolidation
ADC ScheduleThe ADC Schedule log has been moved to the Cloud Scheduler audit area for comprehensive tracking.Maintenance > Administration > Cloud Scheduler
AnnouncementsWhen a user creates or deletes an announcement, the details are logged.
Announcements (Top Toolbar)
Approval RoleWhen you create, edit, or delete an approval role, these changes are logged in the system. You can track the approval role name in the 'Audit Description' column.Maintenance > Administration > User & Role Management > Approval Role
ArchiveThe Archive Audit area logs the details whenever a user archives the audit log list. It captures the audit description along with the start and end dates, providing a comprehensive record of archived audit activities.Maintenance > Application Audit > View Audit Log
Attribute SettingsWhen a user performs an action on the Attribute Settings page, the data gets logged, ensuring a transparent and auditable record of all changes.Maintenance > Report Administration > Cube Settings > Attribute Settings
AttributesThe Attribute audit area logs all user actions, including adding, editing, and deleting attributes.Maintenance > Planning Templates > Attributes
Attributes SetupThe Attributes Setup log has been moved to the User Defined Attributes audit area for comprehensive tracking.Maintenance > Hierarchy Management > select Finance Hierarchies type > Setup > More > Attribute Setup
Bill Of SalesThis audit area is not in use.
Budget HierarchyThe Budget Hierarchy log has been moved to the Hierarchy audit area for comprehensive tracking.Maintenance > Hierarchy Management
Budget Hierarchy - Hierarchy ManagementThe Budget Hierarchy- Hierarchy Management log has been moved to the Hierarchy audit area for comprehensive tracking.Maintenance > Hierarchy Management
BUEWhen a user shares a template with a BME user and performs any action within BME, such as saving or completing tasks, all these actions are logged.Business Manager Experience
Business DaysBusiness Days log has been moved to the Workdays Setup audit area.
Calculated MemberThe Calculated Member log has been moved to the Hierarchy audit area for comprehensive tracking.Maintenance > Hierarchy Management > select Finance Hierarchies type> Show > Add
CapitalThe Capital audit area logs all actions related to asset categories under capital planning, including adding, editing, or deleting asset categories. This ensures precise tracking and compliance of assets.Maintenance > Capital Planning > Asset Setup > Asset Categories
Clear DataLogs the details whenever data is exported or deleted on the Clear Data page.Maintenance > Data Integration > Clear Data
Cloud SchedulerWhen a user performs actions on the Process Flow under Cloud Scheduler in the Planful application, each action is logged. This includes additions, edits, or deletions of process flows.Maintenance > Administration > Cloud Scheduler > Process Flow
CommentLogs actions related to comments, including adding, resolving, deleting, and replying.Applicable across the application
Comments ManagerWhen user access the Comments Manager page, then the details are logged.Maintenance > Administration > Comments Manager
Common COAThis audit area is not in use.
Compensation GroupThis log monitors workforce compensation group additions, modifications, and deletions.Maintenance > WFP > Workforce Planning Setup > Compensation Group
Compensation ItemsThis log monitors workforce compensation items' additions, modifications, and deletions.Maintenance > WFP > Workforce Planning Setup > Compensation Items
Configuration TasksThe Configuration Tasks audit area logs all user-made configuration changes, detailing each modification in the Audit Description column for a clear record of adjustments.Maintenance > Administration > Configuration Tasks
Consolidation ProcessThe Consolidation Process in the audit area lists the details of consolidation performed for a particular scenario and periods. It states whether the action performed was successful or not.Consolidation > Consolidation Process > Process
Consolidation SetupWhen a user saves the changes made on the Consolidation Setup page, the data is logged. To learn more about Consolidation Setup, click here.Consolidation > Administration > Consolidation Setup
CTA SetsWhen a user performs an add, edit, copy, or delete action on the CTA sets page, the data is logged. To learn more about CTA sets, click here.Maintenance > Multi-Currency > CTA Sets
CurrencyWhen a user performs an add, edit, or delete action on the Currency Setup page, the data is logged.Maintenance > Multi-Currency > Currency Setup
Currency ConversionThe Currency Conversion feature in the audit area of the Planful application accurately converts financial data between different currencies, ensuring consistency and compliance in consolidated reports. It automatically applies exchange rates to reflect the correct values in the parent company's currency.Maintenance > Multi-Currency > Exchange Rates > Currency Exchange Rate
Currency Exchange RatesWhen a user performs an addition on the Currency Exchange Rate page, the data is logged.Maintenance > Multi-Currency > Exchange Rates > Currency Exchange Rate
Currency TypeWhen a user performs add, edit, delete, list/delist a currency from exchange rates on the Currency Type page, the data is logged.Maintenance > Multi-Currency > Currency Setup
Custom MembersWhen a user adds, edits, or deletes actions on the Custom Members page, the details are logged.Maintenance > Report Administration > Cube Settings > Custom Members
Customize BrandingWhen you customize the application's user interface (UI) using branding options such as adding, editing, or deleting profiles, these actions are logged.Maintenance > Administration > Customize Branding
DashboardsThe system logs all dashboard activities when users perform actions like adding, deleting, duplicating, editing, favoriting, resetting selections, or sharing.
If the user performs any Dashboard activities via Business Manager Experience (BME), the system logs the data.
Budget Manager Experience > Dashboards
Data Calculation Exception SetupWhen a user performs an add, delete, or mass upload on the DLR Data Calculation Execution Setup page, the audit area logs the data.Maintenance > Data Integration > Data Calculation Exception
Data SourceWhen the user performs any action like deploy, undeploy, and send an email on the standard reports page, the data is logged.Maintenance > Report Administration > Standard Reports > Standard Reports
DataloadWhen a user defines rules on the Data Load Rule page to load data into Planful, the system logs each action. Some of these actions include adding, editing, clearing data, adjusting data load rule settings, modifying header settings, defining data settings, uploading files, and joining data. Every action item is recorded in this audit area.Maintenance > Data Integration > Data Load Rules
Default MembersWhen the user makes changes to the Default members on the Cube Settings page, the details are logged.Maintenance > Report Administration > Cube settings > Default members
Dimension Security ConfigurationThis audit area is not in use.
Dimension Security SetupThe Dimension Security Setup logs any changes made to the dimension security for a user for the finance or workforce reporting area. This ensures compliant management of user access and permissions.
Note: Once the setup is done, the Process reporting area runs automatically and gets logged in the Process Reporting Area audit log.
Maintenance > Administration > User & Role Management > Security Options > Dimension Security > Dimension Security Setup (or)
Maintenance > Report Administration > Dimension Security > Dimension Security Setup
DLR Data Calculations ConfigurationWhen a user updates the configuration settings to instruct the system to use default values for missing data in periods with no entries posted on the DLR Data Calculations Configuration page, the details are logged.Maintenance > Administration > Configuration Tasks > DLR Data Calculations Configuration
DocumentWhen a user uploads artifacts to the Planful application by creating a new report document, the system logs this action. It also logs any edits or deletions made to the document.Reports
Document SetupThis audit area is not in use.
Dynamic JournalWhen a user performs add, copy, edit, delete, or perform entry actions on the Dynamic Journal page, the data is logged. To learn more about Dynamic Journals, click here.Consolidation > Dynamic Journal
Dynamic ReportWhen a user performs actions on Dynamic Reports within the Reports application area, such as adding, running, or deleting a dynamic report, the system logs these activities.
If the user runs a report via BME, the system logs the data.
Budget Manager Experience > Reports
EliminationWhen a user performs actions like add, edit, copy, delete, or perform entry actions on Elimination sets, the system logs these activities. To learn more about Eliminations, click here.Consolidation > Eliminations
Employee processThis log shows that employees have been processed.Maintenance > WFP > Workforce Planning Setup > Employees
Entity Ownership DataIf any changes are made in the managing ownership window the details are logged.Sub Consolidation
Entity SetupThe Entity Setup log has been moved to the Hierarchy audit area for comprehensive tracking.
Entity Type SetupWhen the user adds, edits, or deletes the entity type setup, the details are logged in this application area.Maintenance > Hierarchy Management > select Entity Hierarchy type > Setup > Entity Type Setup page
ESM Canvas DeployThis audit area captures all the details of the canvas that has been deployed.Dynamic Planning > ESM Canvas
ESM Canvas DesignThis audit area captures all the details related to the design screen of the canvas.Dynamic Planning > ESM Canvas
ESM Canvas InputThis audit area captures all the details related to the input screen of the canvas.Dynamic Planning > ESM Canvas
ESM Canvas Listing PageThis audit area captures all the details of user activities on the listing page of the canvas.Dynamic Planning > ESM Canvas
ETL Transaction Detail SetupThis audit area captures all setup activities related to transaction details. When the user configures transaction details for the data source, either with translations or using the CCOA, the system logs these actions.Maintenance > Data Integration > Transaction Details
ETL Translations ListWhen a user performs the Translation Setup to map the native chart of accounts to the Common Chart of Accounts (CCOA), the system logs all actions. These include adding, editing, deleting, or translating lines on the Translations List page.Maintenance > Data Integration > Translations Setup
Finance Hierarchy - Hierarchy ManagementThe Finance Hierarchy - Hierarchy Management log has been moved to the Hierarchy audit area for comprehensive tracking.Maintenance > Hierarchy Management
Financial PackageWhen a user performs actions on the Financial Package report type within Reports, such as adding, editing, or deleting a financial package, the system logs these activities.Reports
Financial Package VariableWhen a user adds, edits, or deletes a variable in a financial package report, the system logs these activities in the Financial Package Variable audit area.Reports > File cabinet > select a report (Financial package type) > Variables
FolderWhen a user creates a folder within the Reports section, the system logs this activity. Additionally, any edits or deletions performed on the folders are also logged.Reports
Global FieldsWhen the user updates the global field value in a scenario then this audit area logs the action. It includes saving and copying of global fields.Maintenance > Administration > Scenario Setup > select a scenario > More > Global Data Input
HierarchiesFinance Hierarchies and Sales Hierarchies logs have been moved to the Hierarchy audit area for comprehensive tracking.Maintenance > Hierarchy Management > Finance Hierarchies or Sales Hierarchies
HierarchyThe Hierarchy Management audit area logs all actions performed, such as adding, editing, copying, saving, and deleting segment hierarchy structures. This detailed logging ensures transparency in structure management for financial planning and reporting purposes.Maintenance > Hierarchy Management
Hierarchy Management - Finance Attributes SetupHierarchy Management - Finance Attributes Setup log has been moved to the User Defined Attributes audit area for comprehensive tracking.
When a user performs any action on the Finance Attributes page, the details are logged under the User Defined Attributes audit area. The action includes adding, editing, or deleting the finance attributes.
Maintenance > Hierarchy Management > select Finance Hierarchies type > Setup > More > Attribute Setup
Hierarchy Management - Report CategoriesThe Hierarchy Management - Report Categories log has been moved to the Report Categories audit area for comprehensive tracking.Maintenance > Hierarchy Management > Select Finance or Sales Hierarchies > Setup > More > Report Categories
Hierarchy Management - Sales Attributes SetupThe Hierarchy Management - Sales Attributes Setup log has been moved to the User Defined Attributes audit area for comprehensive tracking.
When a user performs any action on the Sales Attributes page, the details are logged under the User Defined Attributes audit area. The action includes adding, editing, or deleting the sales attributes.
Maintenance > Hierarchy Management > select Sales Hierarchies type > Setup > More > Attribute Setup
InitiativesWhen a user performs any action on the initiative template opened via input mode, all actions are logged. These actions include adding, editing, or deleting an initiative.Planning Control Panel > select an entity > select an Initiative Template > Input
Journal EntryWhen a user performs post, copy, add, delete, or unpost a journal from entry actions on the Standard Journals page, the data is logged.Consolidation > Process > Standard Journals
Line Item CategoryWhen a user uses line item categories to specify accounts for inclusion in budgets, those actions are logged. The actions include adding, editing, or deleting line item categories.Maintenance > Planning Templates > Line Item Category
Lock DataWhen the user performs lock or unlock action on the Lock Data screen, the action is logged.Maintenance > Report Administration > Lock Data > go to the Lock Data tab
Map to COAThis audit area is not in use.
Master TransferThis audit area is not in use.
Model PermissionsThis audit area is not in use.
MyPlan Account MappingWhen a user adds an include or exclude scenario for the MyPlan, they need to save to reflect the changes When the user performs a save action on the Myplan Account Mapping page, the details get logged.
Maintenance > Administration > Configuration Tasks > MyPlan Configuration
MyPlan ConfigurationLogs the details for actions performed on the MyPlan Configuration page. The logs include mapping, copying, editing, or deleting the configurations.Maintenance > Administration > MyPlan Configuration
Navigation RoleThis log tracks changes and permissions related to user navigation within the Planful system. Actions such as adding, editing, or deleting a navigation role are logged, along with the assignment of navigation access to roles.Maintenance > Administration > User & Role Management > Navigation Role
Non Controlling InterestWhen a user performs add, copy, edit, delete, or perform entry actions on the Non Controlling Interest page, the data is logged.Consolidation > Non Controlling Interest
Offline PlanningThe system tracks when a user logs in to offline planning and also logs when they check out.Offline Planning
Operating BudgetLogs all actions performed within the Planning Control Panel screen such as entity and template workflow.Structured Planning
Pay Plan SetupThe Pay Plan Setup audit log tracks the details if any pay plan spreads have been defined or modified for the selected year and Employee Process status updates.Maintenance > Workforce > Workforce Planning Setup > Pay Plans > Pay Setup
Pay PlansThe audit log for pay plans captures detailed records of actions taken on pay plans, including additions, modifications, and deletions.Maintenance > Workforce > Workforce Planning Setup > Pay Plans
Point of ViewWhen a user updates the Point of View for the financial or workforce reporting area, these actions are logged.Maintenance > Report Administration > Point of View\nor\nClick the Point of View icon from the top toolbar
Process MeasuresThis audit area is not in use.
Process Reporting AreaChanges made to the scenario configuration or data in a scenario via DLRs, templates, or consolidation result in cube processing. All these changes impact cube processing and will be logged in the Process Reporting Area audit log. Here are a few instances:
1. When Actual data load months are updated, the time of financial reporting gets automatically updated and recorded.
2. When any action is performed on the Dimension Security Setup page, it gets logged. (Maintenance > Administration > User & Role Management > Security Options > Dimension Security or Maintenance > Report Administration > Dimension Security)
3. Logs when a template is updated through actual data load in the Consolidation control panel. (Consolidation > Actual Data Load >select a template > Input)
4. When a scenario is added, copied, or edited, it is automatically added to the Finance reporting area and logged in this audit area under add or process according to the action.
Applicable across the application.
ReclassificationWhen a user performs actions on the Reclassification entries in the Consolidation Control Panel, the system logs each action. This includes adding, editing, deleting, and other entry actions on reclassificationsConsolidation > Reclassifications
Recurring JournalWhen a user performs add, copy, edit, delete, or perform entry actions on the Recurring Journal page, the data is logged.Consolidation > Recurring Journals
Report AccessThis audit area is not in use.
Report BookReport Book has been converted to Report Collection, so the logs are now tracked in the Report Collection audit area.
Report CategoriesWhen report categories are assigned to dimensions for organization and reporting purposes on the Report Categories page, the audit area log is updated. This log includes actions such as adding, editing (including saving display order), and deleting report categories.Maintenance > Hierarchy Management > select Finance or Sales Hierarchies > Setup > More > Report Categories
Report CollectionWhen a user performs actions on Report Collections within the Reports section, such as adding, editing, running, or deleting, the system logs these activities.Reports
Report GroupWhen a user creates, edits, or deletes a report group on the Report Groups page, the system logs the action. This ensures the tracking of changes made to report groups.Maintenance > Report Administration > Standart Reports > Report Groups
Report SecurityLogs the changes made to the report access security of a user or user group. Maintenance > Administration > User & Role Management > User or User Group > Security Options > Report Access
This audit area also logs the report access updated via the share option in the Reports application area.
Reports > Share
Report SetWhen a user creates a Report Set within the Reports section, the system logs this activity. Additionally, any edits or deletions performed on the folder are also logged.Reports
Reporting Scenario SetupLogs the scenario setup details when a user updates the Reporting Scenario Setup.Maintenance > Report Administration > Setup Reporting Scenario
Sales ApplicationThis audit area is not in use.
Sales AttributeThis audit area is not in use.
Sales Attribute HierarchiesThis audit area is not in use.

Sales DataloadThis audit area is not in use.

Sales DefaultsThis audit area is not in use.

Sales Entity SetupThis audit area is not in use.

Sales Hierarchy - Hierarchy ManagementThis audit area is not in use.

Sales History ReferenceThis audit area is not in use.

Sales LevelsThis audit area is not in use.

Sales MeasureThis audit area is not in use.

Sales Price InputThis audit area is not in use.

Sales Segment HierarchiesThis audit area is not in use.

Sales Top Down ProcessThis audit area is not in use.

Save DisplayOrderThe Save Display Order log has been moved to the User Defined Attributes audit area for comprehensive tracking of changes to Finance attribute display orders. Maintenance > Hierarchy Management > Select Finance or Sales Hierarchies > Setup > More > Attribute Setup > Save Display Order
ScenarioLogs all the actions performed on the Scenario page. Some of these actions include adding, editing, deleting, or copying a scenario, locking, refreshing, and scheduling maintenance. The Scenario audit area records every action.Maintenance > Administration > Scenario Setup
Scenario ProcessThe detailed log will be recorded under the audit area "Process Reporting Area"Maintenance > Report Administration > Process Reporting Area
Security AdministrationLogs the changes made by the admin to the tenant settings on the Security Administration page.Maintenance > Administration > Security Administration
Security CentralizedWhen a user performs access actions on Security in the Consolidation Control Panel and clicks Save, the data is logged.Consolidation > Administration > Security
Security DecentralizedWhen a user performs access actions on Security in the Consolidation Control Panel and clicks Save, the data is logged.Consolidation > Administration > Security
Simulation ProcessLogs data when a user performs an action on the Process List page to set up the simulation process for automated saving of templates, which recalculates and saves template data based on changes to reference data or other global drivers. Actions logged include adding, editing, setting up configurations, and deleting processes.Maintenance > Rules > Simulation Engine
SnapshotWhen you add or delete a snapshot in the dynamic reports, the details are logged in the Snapshot audit area.Add: Reports > select a Dynamic Report > Snapshot\nDelete: Reports > select a Snapshot report
Standard ReportWhen a user deploys or undeploys reports, and sends emails after running reports, all these actions are logged under the Standard Reports Audit area.Maintenance > Report Administration > Standard Report
Substitution VariablesCreating, editing, or deleting substitution variables are logged in the Substitution Variables audit area. Additionally, when you add a derived variable to a substitution variable, it is logged in the same audit log.Maintenance > Report Administration > Cube Settings > Substitutional Variables
Task ManagerThis audit area logs all task-related activities, including add, edit, and delete. This ensures thorough tracking and accountability for task management processes.Task Manager
Template Based HR Employee TypesThis audit area is not in use.
Template Based HR EmployeesThis audit area is not in use.

Template Based HR Group OptionsThis audit area is not in use.

Template Based HR GroupsThis audit area is not in use.

Template BuilderWhen a user designs templates based on business needs in the Planful application, all related actions are logged. This includes adding, opening, saving a template, mapping entities and global fields to the template, copying, and deleting templates.
Note: Changes made to the template via the Planning Control Panel will also be logged.
Maintenance > Planning Templates > Template Setup
Template LinesThis audit area is not in use.
Template SetupThis audit area is not in use.
Template SharingLogs the sharing status of a template on the Planning Control Panel screen. It also logs the enabled or revoked status when user permissions are updated on the Approval Role Setup page.Structured Planning (Select a Budget Hierarchy > Share)
Template SnapshotThe Template Snapshot audit area logs the addition, editing, and restoration of template snapshots. It also logs the enabled or revoked status when user permissions are updated on the Approval Role Setup page.Structured Planning (Select a Budget Hierarchy > Template > click the Snapshot icon)
Top Down ModelThis audit area is not in use.
Top Down ProcessThis audit area is not in use.
Transaction Data ExtractWhen a user calls the Transaction Data Extract or Transaction Data Extract Status API, the system logs the data in the Transaction Data Extract audit log.API
UHM AttributesThe UHM Attributes log has been moved to the Hierarchy audit area for comprehensive tracking.Maintenance > Hierarchy Management
UserRecords all user-related activities, including login, logout, password changes, secret question updates, copying user permissions, ETL security (Data Integration Security) actions, and user locking/unlocking. Each time the user logs in, a new session ID is generated and displayed in the New Value column.Applicable across the application
User Approval Role SetupLogs the changes to user permissions on the Approval Role Setup page. These permissions include Edit Scenario, Enable Workforce User Access Tab, Enable Template Snapshot, Create and Manage Views, and also permissions for Budget entity permissions and Approval roles.Maintenance > Administration > User & Role Management > User > Security Options > Approval Role Setup
User Defined AttributesWhen a user performs any action on the Finance or Sales hierarchy attribute setup, data is logged in the audit area. This includes adding, editing, and deleting attributes. Additionally, if a user changes the order of the financial attributes, it is also logged in this audit area.Maintenance > Hierarchy Management > Select Finance or Sales Hierarchies > Setup > More > Attribute Setup
User GroupWhen a user creates, edits, deletes a user group or updates scenario access for the user group, these actions are logged in the audit area.Maintenance > Administration > User & Role Management > User Group
User PreferenceThis audit area is not in use.
ValidationsWhen the user performs add, edit, delete, or any entry actions on the Validations page, the details are logged in the application.Consolidation > Validations
Verify DataLogs are generated when users use data to confirm the accuracy of postings and verify data sources after loading data using the Data Integration functionality.Maintenance > Report Administration > Verify Data
Workdays SetupThe Workday Setup audit log is a record that captures and monitors changes made to the workdays setup.Maintenance > Administration > Workdays Setup
WorkflowWhen you enable or disable workflow for a scenario, these actions are recorded in the audit log as add or delete actions, respectively.
Maintenance > Add or Edit a scenario > Workflow Setup (Note: Not applicable for Preloaded Budget Scenario Type)
After enabling the workflow, if you start or sync the process of a scenario, it is also recorded in the Workflow audit area.
Maintenance > select a Scenario > Process > Start or Sync
Workforce AttributesThis log monitors the additions, modifications, and deletions of workforce attributes.Maintenance > WFP > Workforce Planning Setup > Workforce Attributes
Workforce Default Raise%This log shows the changes made to the review percentages for the selected scenario in the workforce employee typesMaintenance > WFP > Workforce Planning Setup > Employee Types
Workforce DefaultsThis log lists any modifications to the default configurations, which can impact the employee allocations.Maintenance > WFP > Workforce Planning Setup > Workforce Defaults (select the Default scenario in the Employees tab to see the workforce defaults tab)
Workforce Employee Data LoadThe Workforce Employee Data Load log has been moved to the DataLoad audit area for comprehensive tracking.Maintenance > DLR > Data Load Rules
Workforce Employee TypesThis log monitors the additions, modifications, and deletions of the workforce employee types.Maintenance > WFP > Workforce Planning Setup > Employee Types
Workforce EmployeesThis log includes all the modifications to employee information, such as additions, edits, or deletions.Maintenance > WFP > Workforce Planning Setup > Employees
Workforce User AccessThis log includes any modifications to user access permissions to compensation items.Maintenance > WFP > Workforce Planning Setup > User Access

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