Copying Spotlight Formulas to Word using Design Word Report
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    Copying Spotlight Formulas to Word using Design Word Report

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    Article summary

    Using the Design Word Report method copies all metadata and data from the view into Word.

    1. Begin by opening and running the View in SpotlightXL containing the data you want to copy to Word. Views are run from the Analyze menu.

    2. On the Data menu, select Design Report, Word Report.

      Graphical user interface, application, table

Description automatically generated

    3. When the operation is complete, the metadata and data points for the entire view are placed into a table within the margins of the document. It may be a huge table if your view is large.


Description automatically generated

    4. Use Excel table commands to select, move, delete, and drag and drop elements to lay out the report.

    5. To view the data, click Refresh.

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