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    Article summary

    Map currencies defined in the Planful application with Decision Hub Currency. You may also map the Planful application currency types, which are used during the currency conversion process, to the Decision Hub Currency Type.


    This functionality is available based on your Planful license agreement.
    Map Currencies

    Follow the steps below to map the Application Currency and Application Currency Type.

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Currency > Exchange Rates and click the Mapping tab to access the Mapping page.
    2. Select a Currency for the Application Currency from the dropdown. Map the Application Currency/Application Currency Type defined on the Currency Setup/Currency Type page to the Decision Hub Currency a currency
    3. Click Save. The mapped currencies will be reflected under Available Currencies in the Profile tab.

    Description of fields on the Mapping page

    Application Currency / Decision Hub Currency

    Map (associate) the Application Currency defined on the Currency Setup page to the Decision Hub Currency.

    Application Currency Type / Decision Hub Currency Type

    Map the Application Currency Type defined on the Currency Type page to the Decision Hub Currency Type.

    Select one of the following Currency Type options:

    • Single Date - Refers to Currency Types such as End of Month (EOM) or Beginning of Year (BOY) that refer to a specific date.

    • Date Range- Refers to Currency Types such as Average (Avg) or Prior Year Average (PYAvg) that require a range of days or periods to determine the appropriate rate.

    Entity Locking

    You cannot download a currency linked to a locked entity in Decision Hub. Additionally, the system will verify the period for which the entity is locked.
    Currency for an entity is selected on the Hierarchy Management screen.

    Entities are locked on the Lock Data page accessed by navigating to Maintenance > Reports > Lock Data and clicking the Lock Data tab.

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