Data Load - Opt In Feature
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    Data Load - Opt In Feature

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    Article summary

    Data Load Missing Segment Member - Opt In Feature

    This feature, available by request, eliminates data load failures due to missing segment members. Missing segments represent those that are not in Planful, but exist in the data files loaded to Planful. For example, during a web service file load, if Planful encounters segment members that are not in the system, the load will fail. However, you may now take advantage of this feature, which adds missing segment members automatically. Please contact Planful Support if you would like to take advantage of this feature.

    This feature works for GL Data Load types only. It works with all forms of data loads (web services, file loads) except for copy/paste.

    How it Works?

    Let's say segment member Account X exists in a data file you are loading to Planful. However, Account X is considered "missing" because it does not exist in Planful. With this feature, the system (Planful) will add Account X with default properties. Upon completion (of the data load), you will receive an email indicating which segment members where created/added. At this point, you may modify the default properties of the added Account X as well as position it properly within the tree structure. Then, rerun the Data Load Rule so that all data loads as intended.

    To ensure that the account properties can be changed enable “Enforce changing the account properties when the data is available” on the Maintenance > Security Administration page.

    See Also: Opt-In Features and Functions

    Data Load Cloud Processing - Opt In Feature

    This functionality allows all GL Data and Translation data loads (set up using Data Load Rule functionality) to be automatically updated and processed in the cloud. If you’re interested in this functionality, please contact Planful Support.

    See Also: Opt-In Features and Functions

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