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    Article summary

    Currently, the Plan Scenario type can only be used for a forecast. The Plan Scenario type provides an enhanced method to seed data.

    Intelligent Seeding

    The primary objective of Seeding is to allow you to get data and/or formulas from a source scenario. You may require different ways to seed data/formulas depending on the specific business case. The main categories of seeding that you can use are as follows:

    • Cell to Cell Seeding (Overlapping periods seeding type)

    • Period to Period Seeding (Plan Scenario)

    Cell to Cell Seeding

    Cell to Cell seeding refers to the seeding methodology where you can use the same template structure as the source scenario. This type of seeding is illustrated in the following image.

    Here, the formulas defined in period 1 of 2018 in the source scenario are seeded to period 1 of 2019 in the target scenario.

    Period to Period Seeding

    Period to period seeding provides a setup where data and formulas are seeded based on the matching periods. In this case, formulas defined in Period 1 of 2019 in the source scenario are seeded to Period 1 of 2019 in the target Scenario. This functionality is part of the current seeding feature, which can be enabled via Plan Scenario.

    Seeding Logic

    When you create a new scenario with Scenario Type as Plan Scenario, the following Seeding logic occurs in the application:

    • In the Seeding section, the application automatically maps the overlapping periods based on the selected source scenario.

    • For periods that do not overlap, the application maps the last period as the source. You can change this to any of the open periods in the source scenario.

    • The application automatically adjusts the formulas, seed formulas, and structure for overlapping periods and out periods.

    • If there is any error related to the Seeding process in adjusting the formulas, the application fills the cell with data from the source. In addition, the application records a log entry for the formula that could not be adjusted. This log is provided in the form of an exception report.

      The Seeding process does not automatically correct Excel errors caused by circular or misplaced references.
    • In case of any exceptions, you can choose to correct the errors manually by replacing the formulas or you can continue with the existing values.

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