Dimension Security APIs
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    Dimension Security APIs

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    Article summary

    This API provides the ability to apply dimension security to users. The following methods can be used to set or update dimension security.


    Applies all the Dimension Security Configuration updates and refreshes the Finance cube with latest security information. (Note that this is applicable for Financial Cube only.)

    Public Function ApplyDimensionSecurity(ByVal LoginName As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal TenantCode As String) As StandardObjects.OperationResult


    Updates all the Dimension Security setup for the specified user and refreshes the Finance cube with latest security information. (Note that this is applicable for Financial Cube only.)

    Public Function UpdateFactlessFactSecurityForUser(ByVal UserLogin As String, ByVal LoginName As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal TenantCode As String) As StandardObjects.OperationResult

    The dimension member name update is available for Financial Dimension members.


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