Add Actual Data Templates
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    Add Actual Data Templates

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    Article summary

    Load actual data for the Consolidation application in a template format. First you'll add the template structure, then, you'll design the template.

    How to Add the Actual Data Template Structure

    1. Navigate to Maintenance> DLR > Actual Data Templates.
    1. Click Add.
    1. Enter the template name.
    1. Select template parameters. These parameters are common to all new templates unlike the COA Segment members which are populated based on the segments defined on the Configuration Tasks page.
    • The scenario is fixed as you can only load data to the Actual scenario.

    • Select the reporting currency; which means you will load data in local or common currency.

    • Select Yes for Apply Credit Debit if the data contains credit account numbers in positive form. For Debit Accounts, accounts loaded are displayed with the correct signage in reports. For example, if you want to see a negative number for a debit account, load a negative number for that accounts. For Credit Accounts, the number loaded is negated and stored that way. So, if 100$ is loaded, the number is stored in Planful as -100 (100x-1). When you run the Verify Data report, the number is displayed as -100. When you run a Dynamic Report, the number is again multiplied by -1 making the resulting value displayed in the Dynamic Report $100. If you select No, for Debit Accounts, the data is displayed as is in reports. For example, if you want to see a negative number for a debit account, load a negative number for that account. However, if you select Yes, for Credit Accounts, and load 100$, 100$ will be shown in Verify Data, but in Dynamic Reports, -100$ will be shown.

    • For Data Type, select MTD to allow the opening balance and net change accounts for the data load period for all accounts (balance and flow), select YTD to allow a year to date amount for each period for all accounts, or select Account Based to allow a mixed format with YTD amount for balance accounts and net changes for flow accounts.

    • For Enable Opening Balance, select Yes to include an opening balance column in the Data Load interface.

    • Display Line Code - Select Yes to display the code column details.

    1. Select COA Segment members that you want included in the ETL (extract, transform, and load) data file/ data load definition.
    1. Click Save and return to the Actual Data Template List page.

    How to Design the Template

    See the Actual Data Through Template Setup page.

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