Planning/Consolidation/Reporting January 16 Maintenance Release
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    Planning/Consolidation/Reporting January 16 Maintenance Release

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    Article summary

    Exporting to Excel

    Microsoft support for Office 2003 ended as of 4/8/2014. Therefore, as of the Winter ’16 release (February 2016), Host Analytics will no longer support the export of Dynamic Reports and Report Books to Excel 97-2003 in .xls format. Please continue to export both Dynamic Reports and Report Books in .xlsx format.

    In the first half of 2016, there are plans to replace .xls format with .xlsx format for Excel export across the application.

    Microsoft Office Support

    Host Analytics will continue to support Microsoft Office 2007, and 2010 through 2016.

    Known Issues

    Known application issues we are working to resolve. Located in the Knowledge Base at:

    Access to the link above requires user authentication.

    Resolved Issues

    Resolved application issues. Located in the Knowledge Base at:

    Access to the link above requires user authentication.

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