How to Mass Load Currency and Calculation Exceptions?
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    How to Mass Load Currency and Calculation Exceptions?

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    Article summary

    When you upload a file, Planful validates the Company, Account Code, and Currency Type. Once the upload is complete, an email notification confirming the upload is sent. If the upload results in an error, an email attachment is sent that lists all errors along with the failure reasons.

    Files must be formatted with Account Code in the first column and Company Code in the first row. All corresponding exceptions are listed against Account-Company combinations.


    To mass load calculation exceptions, complete the following steps:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Currency > Currency Exception, and click the Calculation Exception tab.
    2. Select a Reporting Currency. Reporting currencies are available based on what you have defined in segment hierarchies. For example, because MTD at AVG is defined for the Reporting hierarchy in the Hierarchy Management screen, it is available for selection on the Calculation Exception Setup screen.
      calculation exception
    3. In the right pane, click the Add icon and select a company.
      mtd avg
    4. Select the Calculation Exception and click Save.
    5. Click the Upload File icon.
    6. The Mass Load page appears. Select a file to load by clicking the Choose File button.
      You can upload XLSX file types only with a maximum size of 10MB.
    7. Click Submit to perform the upload. The system checks to see if the file contents already exist. If the contents exist, the system performs an append. If the contents do not already exist in Planful, an override is performed.
      A message will appear indicating the upload processed and you can check the status in the Detail Log. 
    8. Click Output All to export the currency exception details to Excel.

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