How to Modify a Dynamic Report from the Template Interface Accessed from the Planning Control Panel
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    How to Modify a Dynamic Report from the Template Interface Accessed from the Planning Control Panel

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    Article summary

    A full access user or reporting administrator can access a Dynamic Report linked to a Template from the Planning Control Panel.

    A full access user can modify the design of the report (as in the Dynamic Report interface) and save changes made to the Dynamic Report from the Planning Control Panel. Users with read-only or regular user access without edit permission can make changes, but cannot save (or save as) these changes to the report. If an object on the page is locked, a read-only user will not be able to modify member selections for that dimension.

    The following modifications can be applied to a Dynamic Report accessed from the Planning Control Panel:

    • Drag and drop objects from the left pane into the layout area.

    • Drag and drop objects from the layout area to reorder or remove them.

    • Make changes to member selections on the page/row/column axes.

    • Make changes to the header/footer.

    • Make changes to items such as suppression, format, insert formulas, formula exceptions, rank, sort, charts (if opened), pivot, grid actions, substitution variables values, and pick list.

    A full access user or reporting administrator can save the changes back to the original report or perform a Save As.

    Users must have dimension and security access to make the changes in the list above.

    When you map Dynamic Reports to Templates and execute the report, the original report selections are replaced on the Scenario and Budget Entity combination segments (if applied to the page) with the selections from the budget templates and entity mappings. These selections are applied from the budget templates/entity mappings only if the dimensions/attributes/attribute hierarchies exist at the page level in the Dynamic Report. However, the selections for Scenario and Budget Entity combinations are not updated automatically in the original Dynamic Report. For all other dimensions/attributes/ attribute hierarchies and objects on the row or column axis, the original report selections are retained when the Dynamic Report is run from the Planning Control Panel.

    You can audit Dynamic Report actions. The audit log is located under Maintenance, Audit, View Audit Log. Select the appropriate application area and proceed by selecting the dates in which you would like to view audit details.

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