Expanded Dimension Members
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Expanded Dimension Members

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Article summary

Format of API String

Bool UpdateDimensionSecurityByUser(string userLogin, string dimensionName, string dimensionMemberCode,bool allowAccess, string loginName, string password, string tenantCode)

Data That Needs to be Supplied to the API

  • userLogin (user id) – in string format

  • dimensionName – in string format

  • dimensionMemberCode – in string format

  • allowAccess – In Boolean format – “False” for do not allow, “True” for allow

  • loginName, password and tenantCode – user credentials to authenticate the API connection

Sample Calls

(”klakshmi@planful.com”,”Account”,”Internet”,true,Financial,”planfuluser@gmail.com”,”planfulusertest”,”QATenant”) → Gives user ‘klakshmi@planful.com’ access to Dimension member ‘Internet’
(”klakshmi@planful.com”,”Account”,”Internet”,false,Financial,”planfuluser@gmail.com”,”planfulusertest”,”QATenant”) → Removes user ‘klakshmi@planful.com’ access to Dimension member ‘Internet’.
Valid call – Dimension security updated successfully
<message>Dimension Security Updated Successfully</message>
Invalid call – Invalid dimension member code
<message>Invalid dimension member code.</message>

Invalid Calls

  • userLogin which does not exist in the tenant

  • dimensionName for dimension security is not enabled in the application/dimensionName is not available in the system

  • dimensionMemberCode is not available in the tenant

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