Create Users and Groups (User Management)
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    Create Users and Groups (User Management)

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    Article summary

    These APIs are provided in JSON format. They add users and user group mappings, and delete users.

    This API creates users and groups. Returns nothing or error message.
    POST /api/ui/user/saveUsersRaw
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    X-ACCESS-TOKEN: <Token>

    Groups sent must be the final mapping because the previous mapping will be erased. If no groups are sent, the user will not be able to login to the tenant.

    Unmapped groups will not be deleted.

    Inactive users should be deleted before adding new users to avoid license limitations.

    Required Fields (email, name, groups, role, password, userType):

    • Email: Must be a valid email format. Cannot be empty.

    • Name: Can be empty.

    • Groups: List of Group Objects {“name”:”group”}. Can be an empty list.

    • Role: "Admin" or "Power User", "Designer" or "Contributor User", or "Reviewer" or "Reviewer User". Cannot be empty.

    • Password: Must contain at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number, and 1 special character. Minimum length 8 characters. Cannot be empty. Passwords will be set only for new users on the environment (users are global). If the user is already present on environment but not on the tenant, the password will not be reset/overridden.

    • userType: "External", "Business". Cannot be empty. User Types will define which users are internal to your business and which are external.

      • The Business user type is for all users within your organization that use Dynamic Planning, and have access only to your organization's tenant or tenant group.

      • The External user type is for users outside of your organization who need to access your application for diagnostics, development, or debugging work, such as Planful Support or Partner Consultants. External users have access to yours and other organizations' tenants.

    Only External users can create other External users. If you are using the API to add a new External user, the person running the API must be logged in as an External user. However, if you are a Business user, you can add an External user to your application if the External user name already exists. For example, External Partner A has worked with Business Customer P before, and External Partner A has an External username. When Business Customer X starts working with External Partner A, they can add External Partner A to their application because External Partner A already has a username (usernames are global). Business Customer X cannot add a new External Partner B, though, if that is a new username to the Planful system.
    Sample Payload
    "email": "",
    "name": "",
    "status": "Unverified",
    "groups": [
    "name": "Group1"
    "role": "Admin" or "Power User",
    "email": "",
    "name": "",
    "groups": [
    "name": "Group1"
    "name": "Group2"
    "role": "Reviewer" or "Reviewer User",
    "userType": "Business"
    Deletes users. Returns nothing or error message if user does not exist in the application (tenant).
    POST /api/ui/user/deleteRaw
    Content-Type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    X-ACCESS-TOKEN: <Token>
    Sample Payload

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