October 19 Release Notes
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    October 19 Release Notes

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    Article summary

    Modeling: Add-Ins for SpotlightXL and SpotlightXL/Spotlight for Office Available

    Please access the Install (SpotlightXL and Spotlight for Office Installation) guide for information to upgrade your existing client software.

    Modeling: Enhanced Workflow and External Source Model Flexibility

    We’ve made External Source Model (ESM) functionality more flexible by providing the ability to update an ESM by adding new fields, and deleting unwanted fields AFTER the data is loaded and the map(s) and view(s) are defined. This functionality is already available for Master and Analytics models, but was not available for ESM models until this release.

    You need to clear data before making any structural modifications to an ESM.

    Prior to this release, the workflow process to modify fields in an ESM required you to recreate the model.

    In Practice: Adding a Field to an ESM

    1. Let’s say you set up an ESM definition (on the Source Model page accessed by navigating to Model > External Source Model > Source Model).

    2. Now, let’s say you want to add a field called Status to the ESM Source definition as shown below.

    3. Navigate to Model > External Source Model > Source Model and select the ESM you want to add the field to.

    4. Enter the new field and select the Type as well as whether or not it will be included in the data load. There is no need to delete maps and views to perform this step. The map and views associated remain unchanged.

    5. Save and navigate to the Source Map page (Model > External Source Model > Source Map).

    6. Select the additional field and complete the Maps To, Target Dimension and Target Member fields. Then, Save.

    7. Navigate to the Model > External Source Model > Source Data page, the field will be available to load data against.

    In Practice: Deleting an ESM Field

    To delete a field from an ESM:

    1. Navigate to the Source Map page (Model > External Source Model > Source Map) and delete the field from the map.

    2. Navigate to the Source Model page (Model > External Source Model > Source Model) and delete the field from the source model definition and save.

    When a field is deleted, it is automatically removed from views and maps.
    If you want to rename a field, delete the field and add a new one with the new name.

    Modeling: Support for the Value() Function in ESMs

    You can now use this Value() function both in SpotlightXL and Spotlight (web interface) when creating an External Source Model (ESM). On the Source Model setup page (accessed by navigating to Model > External Source Model > Source Model) , you can use the Value function to convert a text string (a number, date, or time format) that represents a number to a numeric value.

    An example of the Value function is shown below.

    On the ESM Source Data - data load page (accessed by navigating to Model > External Source Model > Source Data) the Review_data field from the Source Model setup page is displayed with the result of the Value () function. The data is not a text value, but rather a numeric value.

    Modeling: Support for the Loading of Display Label in the Append Dimension Members API

    You now have the ability to load Code and Display Label (as an optional parameter) using the Append Dimension Members API.

    Append Dimension Members (Master and Analytic Models)

    POST /modeling/model/member/append HTTP/1.1

    Content-Type: application/xml

    Accept: application/xml


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <dimension-member>$DimensionMemberPlusOperatorLabel</dimension-member>add more dimension members if needed


    @@ - Delimiter

    1. $ModelName: (type: string) Name of the model. If the model specified does not exist, the operation is canceled.

    2. $DimensionName: (type: string) Name of the Dimension that is associated with this model. If the dimension specified does not exist, the operation is canceled.

    3. $Parent@@Child@@Operator@@label: Specify the location of the child member, parent member, rollup operator, and label delimited by delimiter string(@@)

    4. DimensionMemberPlusOperatorlabel: Specify the new dimension member, its parent, and rollup operator land label delimited by delimiter string in the same order as specified in the hierarchy tag. Add multiple dimension members using different dimension-member tags.

    Label is optional but if it has been defined in <hierarchy> then define all <dimension-member> tag

    Sample Payload

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <model-name>Operating Expense</model-name>
    <dimension-member>Account@@Income Statement@@~@@Jan2010
    <dimension-member>Income Statement@@Income Statement 100@@+@@Feb2019


    Success Response

    HTTP/1.1 204 OK

    Error Responses

    Service Not Available (Possibly due to maintenance)

    HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

    One or more HTTP headers were missing

    HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed

    Model/Dimension not found

    HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed

    Unauthorized Access (Access key lookup failed)

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

    Invalid XML (Bad Request)

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

    Modeling: ClearExternalSource Model Type Available in a Calculation

    We’ve added a Calculation Type that, when included in a Calculation, clears all the data in an External Source Model (ESM); adding convenience and preventing additional steps.

    In Practice:

    1. Select the Model task and the Calculation subtask.

    2. Select the ESM model from the Model list box.

    3. Enter a name for the calculation.

    4. For Type, select ClearExternalSourceModel (as shown in the image below).

    5. Add additional Types based on actions you want performed on the model when the Calculation is executed and Run, then Save the Calculation.

    Data Integration

    Heads Up! The bundle for SuiteScript in NetSuite Connect needs to be updated with the Fall 19 Release

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