How to Seed Data Using the Plan Scenario
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    How to Seed Data Using the Plan Scenario

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    Article summary

    1. To seed data using the Plan scenario type, go to the Scenario List page (accessed by navigating to Maintenance > Admin > Scenario Setup).

    2. Click the Add icon. The Add Scenario page is displayed.

    3. In the General Information section, select Plan Scenario from the Scenario Type drop-down list.

    1. Specify the required details to create a scenario.

    2. Click the Data Seeding section; the Enable Data Seeding checkbox is selected by default and is read-only.

    1. From the Scenario list, select the reference scenario. All the options in the Copy field are cleared by default and you can select the required checkbox and only that data will be seeded to the target scenario.

    1. The data is seeded from the reference scenario to the target scenario and the overlapping periods are mapped by default.

      For example, if you create a new scenario as Forecast 2019-2020 and select the source as Forecast 2018 – 2019, the application will automatically map the periods of 2019. This is because these periods are overlapping in both the source and target scenarios.

      For the out periods in the Forecast 2019-2020 scenario (periods of the financial year 2020), the application takes the last period of 2019 and maps it as the default source.

      You can, however, change any of the mappings and choose any specific mapping from the source scenario, if the period is an open period in the source scenario.

      • If there are no overlapping periods, the application keeps the Source Period column as blank by default and you can then select the required dates.

      • If there are templates (in the reference scenario) with custom time sets, map them from the Number of Years tab to target periods in the plan scenario.

      • For lines without account mapping, the data for closed periods is seeded from the selected reference scenario.

      • For lines with account mapping, the data for closed periods is seeded from the selected source scenario on the Closed Period Adjustment section.

        All formulas are automatically adjusted during the Seeding process.

        The time that the Seeding process takes to be completed depends on the number of formulas in the source scenario.

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