Dynamic Planning How to Add a User
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    Dynamic Planning How to Add a User

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    Article summary

    1. Select the Manage task and the User Management subtask.

    2. In the Username cell enter the user's login ID.

    3. In the Role cell, select Power, Contributor, or Reviewer. For information on each of these roles, see User Roles.

    4. Enter a temporary password for a new user in the Password field.

    5. Select a User Type: Business or External. For information on these types, see User Types.

    6. Click Save.

    Notes :

    • You can add a user to another application, however, the user role must remain the same. User roles are globally enforced, which means that if you add an existing user to a new application, the user will automatically have the same role.

    • As a Best Practice, Business users should manage only Business users. For any changes related to External users, contact Planful Support.

      • If you are a Business user, you can add only new Business users. You cannot add a new External user.

      • Only External users can create new External users.

      • However, if you are a Business user, you can add an External user to your application if the External user name already exists.

      • For example, External Partner A has worked with Business Customer P before, and External Partner A has an External username. When Business Customer X starts working with External Partner A, they can add External Partner A to their application because External Partner A already has a username (usernames are global). Business Customer X cannot add a new External Partner B, though, if that is a new username to the Planful system.

      • Business Admins can change the password of a Business user but not an External user. If an External user wants to change their password, they should contact Planful Support.

    To delete users, remove the username.

    You can also edit Business users.

    Click Save to commit the edit, deletion, or addition or a user.

    User role does not take effect until the user logs out of the current session and then logs back in. For example, if you assign a Reviewer user to a Contributor role, that user must log off and then log in to have Contributor role privileges.

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