July 19 Release Notes
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July 19 Release Notes

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Reporting: Dimension Security Export API Enhancements

The Get_Dimension_Security_By_Segment APl has been enhanced and a property has been introduced with this release. You can export only selected members using this property.

  • Selective property


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ [schemas.xmlsoap.org]" xmlns:ns="http://www.HostAnalytics.com/API/SOAP/StateFree/Common/2009/03/19">




















<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ [schemas.xmlsoap.org]" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance [w3.org]" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema [w3.org]">


<Get_Dimension_Security_By_SegmentResponse xmlns="http://www.HostAnalytics.com/API/SOAP/StateFree/Common/2009/03/19">








<SegmentMemberCode>Company Main</SegmentMemberCode>







For example, if you use the Selective property, only the selected members from the hierarchy are displayed in the Dimension Security report as shown in the image.

If you use All property, leaf and roll up level data is displayed in the Dimension Security report as shown in the image.

  • Enhancement in All property
    • With this release, when you use All property and the Copy Budget Entity Security to Report Security check box is selected, all the Dimension members are displayed if a user is assigned full access in the Approval Role page. The following code shows the API response.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"



<Get_Dimension_Security_By_SegmentResponse xmlns="http://www.HostAnalytics.com/API/SOAP/StateFree/Common/2009/03/19">




<SegmentMemberCode>Host Default</SegmentMemberCode>




<SegmentMemberCode>Company Main</SegmentMemberCode>



































































Prior to this release, if the user is assigned full access in the Approval Role page, all the Dimension members were not displayed. The following code shows the API response.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">


<Get_Dimension_Security_By_SegmentResponse xmlns="http://www.HostAnalytics.com/API/SOAP/StateFree/Common/2009/03/19">





  • When you use All property and the user has access to members from the Approval Role and Dimension Security page all the records are displayed in the Dimension Security report. Prior to this release, duplicate records were displayed if All property was used.

  • With this release, inactive and locked user details are not displayed in the Dimension Security report. Now locked and inactive user details are restricted.

  • Now if the user has access to Main root level, the Dimension Security report displays root members. Prior to this release, root members were not displayed in the response.

Reporting: Report Security is Enabled for All New Customers

With this release, the Report Security functionality is now enabled by default for all new applications that are created after the July 19 release.

Platform: Enhancement in NetSuite Connect DLR

With this release, the following functionality is enabled for the NetSuite Connect DLR in the Define Overall Rule Settings page:

  • Allow Property Change check box: Select this check box while loading the segment hierarchies to allow property changes (such as Name, Currency, and so on) for existing members.
This functionality is applicable only for the Parent Child Segment Hierarchies load.

Prior to this release, the Allow Property Change check box was disabled for the NetSuite Connect Segment Hierarchies load.

The Level Based loads and Allow Property Change functionality for Level Based Segment Hierarchies loads will be enabled with the Summer 19 release.

Modeling: No New Add-In

There is no new add-in this release and no need to upgrade your existing client software.

See Where to Download SpotlightXL and Version Information for information.

Modeling: Ability to User Filters in ESM to ESM Maps

Modeling supports copying data from one External Source Model (ESM) to another External Source Model. Just as you can copy data from an External Source Model to a Master or Analytic model using an ESM map, you can use the same method to copy data from one ESM to another.

With this release, we've enhanced the way data is cleared when filters are used, which improves performance. To copy data from the source to the target ESM, a Calculation is executed to run the External Source Map. When the map is run, all data in the target ESM is deleted before the data transfer from the Source Model is done, if there are no filters defined in the map. Now, if there are filters defined in the map, the data in the target ESM will be deleted based on the filters and the source data will also be filtered based on the filters defined.

For example, using the example ESM to ESM map below, a filter is defined on the Sales Segment field and Enterprise is the value. When this map is executed from a Calculation, the map will only move the Enterprise data from source ESM to target ESM. Additionally, the Enterprise data only in the target ESM will be cleared before the data is moved from source to target.

For detailed information on the specific steps to create an ESM to ESM map and run a Calculation, see the Transferring Data from One External Source Model to Another External Source Model topic.

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