Steps to Manually Add Users via the User Application Page
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    Steps to Manually Add Users via the User Application Page

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    Article summary

    1. Access the User page by navigating to Maintenance > Admin > User Management.

    1. Click Add.

    1. Enter a valid email address in the User Name field, which will serve as the user's login ID.

    1. Select a User Authentication Mode

      • Native—Login to Planful using the Login page.

      • SSO Provider—Login to Planful via Single Sign On. (Planful supports all providers who support the SAML 2.0 standard.)

    1. Enter the user’s first and last name.

    1. Select the user’s status, Active or Inactive. Users must be Active to access Planful.

    1. Assign a navigation role to the user.

    1. Select Regular User or Reporting Administrator for the Reporting Role.

    1. Select User or Administrator for Support Role. The number of available Administrator roles is based on your Service Level Agreement (SLA). Select whether the user you are adding needs an Administrator support role or a User support role.

    1. Support ID is read-only field updated based on your system setup.

    1. Select Background Administrator to disable the user from logging into all Planful applications other than through Web Services. This is useful for a typical user account which is created to perform back-end tasks, such as DLR loads, Cloud Scheduler jobs, etc.

    1. Select Disable Password Expiry Check so that normal password expiry policy is not applicable for this user. This is useful for a user account created to perform back-end tasks, such as Data Load Rule loads, Cloud Scheduler jobs, etc.

    1. Select Enable Two Step Verification to prompt users to select a method for receiving a verification code (SMS, email, or phone app) which they will then use as part of their login process.

    1. Select Enable Webservice Access to enable web services access for the user.

    1. Click Save.

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