Cloud Scheduler for Reclassification Journals
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Cloud Scheduler for Reclassification Journals

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Article summary

You can auto-process a Reclassification journal for a predefined schedule with the Cloud Scheduler. You can also select all journals available at the time while processing Reclassification journals and see all the selected journals in the Selected Journals tab.

The Select All option allows you to process all Reclassification journals for a predefined schedule, eliminating manual effort.

Perform the below steps to schedule the reclassification journals:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Administration > Cloud Scheduler.
  2. Select the Process Flow tab, and click Add.
  3. In the General Information tab, fill in the details for Code, Name, and Email Recipients.
  4. In the Tasks Tab, click Add Task. A New Task window appears.
  5. Select the Task Type as Reclassification Journal and fill in all the details.
  6. In the Reclassification Journals option, click Selected or Select All to process the relevant journals.
  7. Click Save.
  8. In the Scheduler tab, define all the fields for the reclassification journals you want to process monthly.
    To learn more about Cloud Scheduler, click here

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