Load Employees
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    Load Employees

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    Article summary

    You will be able to update employee data or an employee position in the LoadEmployee API. You can either update a single or multiple employee position. If multiple positions are specified in the data load, you will have to provide new values for the Employee Number, Employee Name, and Employee Position Description fields. All the updated values will be reflected in an Audit log file. In addition, you will now be able to process employee data using the process option. The example below creates/updates employees in the tenant1code application.


    Existing compensations are overwritten with any compensations mapped against the employee type code. Allocations are also overridden.


    If duplicate positions exist, we do not load/update such positions.


    Endpoint Url Syntax

    Content Type




    public EmployeeStatus[] LoadEmployees(string LoginName, string Password, string TenantCode, EmployeePosition[] employees, DateTime payRollUploadDate)
    Plain text


    LoadEmployees( "", "", "tenant1code", employees, DateTime.UtcNow)
    Plain text

    Success Response

    <soap:Body> <LoadEmployeesResponse xmlns="">         LoadEmployeesResult> <EmployeeStatus> <EmployeeInfo> <ScenarioCode>Default Scenario</ScenarioCode> <HomeBudgetEntityCode>1000</HomeBudgetEntityCode> <Number>12543</Number> <Name>Kristine Heggling</Name> <HireDate?2020-02-22T08:22:54</HireDate> </EmployeeInfo> <Status>true</Status> <ErrorMessage>Employee added sucessfully.</ErrorMessage> <PositionName>Admin</PositionName> </EmployeeStatus> </LoadEmployeesResult> </LoadEmployeesResponse>
    Plain text

    Invalid Response

    <soap:Body> <soap:Fault> <faulcode>soap:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>Server was unable to process request. Payroll upload is mandatory.</faultstring> <detail/> </soap:Fault> </soap:Body>
    Plain text

    An invalid response could be due to:
    • LoginName invalid email or empty
    • Invalid or empty password
    • Invalid or empty TenantCode
    • Empty payroll upload date or 01/01/0001 as value
    • Input size exceeds 1,000 records per call

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