Dashboards Administration
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    Dashboards Administration

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    Article summary

    Dashboards enables access to key performance indicators at a glance, is easy to use and understand, and can be easily tailored to suit the needs of budget owners, finance team and administrators. You can drill on dashboard elements for detailed insights into the data. Additionally, Dashboards is easy to navigate and instantly accessible from any device, at any time.

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    Providing Users with Navigation Access to Dashboards

    As an Admin user, you must enable Dashboards for your users. To do so, navigate to Maintenance > Admin > User Management > Navigation Role. Select the role and click Navigation Access. Select the Dashboards checkbox as shown below and click Save.


    Dashboards Reporting Area

    Dashboards is enabled for the Financial, Scorecard, and Workforce Reporting Areas and so all dimensions are available for those areas in addition to pre-defined dimensions like Scenario, Time, and Measures. You can also include Alternate hierarchies, Attributes, Attribute hierarchies and Substitution Variables.

    Workforce Reporting Security for Dashboards - Available on an Opt-In Basis

    To ensure data is secure, users must be explicitly provided with access to Workforce Reporting to view the data in Dashboards. If access is not provided, the error message below will be displayed.


    To provide users with access to Workforce Reporting, complete the following steps.

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Admin > User Management.

    2. Select a user.

    3. Click More.

    4. Select Workforce Reporting Security.

    5. Select a user or user group in the Unmapped Users/User Groups pane.


    6. Click the forward arrow. The user/user group will appear in the Mapped Users/User Groups pane.

    7. Click Save.

      When you add charts from Workforce Reporting Area, non-numeric measures like Start Date, Review Date, Work State, Pay Plan etc. are not supported on the charts, however they can be used in Tables as columns.

    Use Dynamic Planning Data in Dashboards

    This is an opt-in feature that must be enabled by the Planful Support Team. You must have licenses for both Dynamic Planning and Dashboards to take advantage of this feature.

    Models are included as a source in Chart Settings and are enabled with drill capabilities. The benefit of this feature is to bring data from Dynamic Planning and Planning, Reporting, and Consolidation together in a single dashboard.

    User and dimension security is retained for Dashboards as applied in the Dynamic Planning application.

    In Practice

    1. Launch a dashboard.

    2. Drag and drop a chart to the canvas.

    3. The Settings pane opens. Click Properties.

    4. Under Reporting Area, select a model from the Models option.

    5. When you select a model, related dimensions are loaded as shown in the image below. Select dimension and members to display.


    6. Continue to build the chart as needed.

    Using Substitution Variables

    When you use Dynamic Planning data in a Dashboard chart, you can include substitution variables in page filters, titles, subtitles, axis names, and 2 value KPI descriptions.

    Substitution variables are enabled in the member selector interface on the page, row, and column axis when the Reporting Area is selected on the chart, under Models.

    Variables are filtered based on the dimension selected. For example, the Current Month substitution variable might be available for the Time dimension. You can then make substitution variable selections from the member selector using the pick list (example shown below).


    When the chart is rendered, substitution variables are updated with the corresponding values as configured in the Dynamic Planning application.

    In Practice:

    1. Launch a dashboard.

    2. Drag and drop a chart to the canvas.

    3. The Settings pane opens. Click Properties.

    4. Under Reporting Area, select a model from the Models list.

    5. When you select a model, related dimensions are loaded. Select dimensions and members to display.

    6. Use substitution variables in page filters, titles, subtitles, axis names, and 2 value KPI descriptions.

      In the example below, the Current Month substitution variable is used in the chart subtitle.


      When you save the dashboard, the chart renders the month based on substitution variable setup for Current Month in the Dynamic Planning application.


    Dashboards Dimension Security

    Dashboards honor Dimension Security as applied to the reporting area. Dimension Security is applied by navigating to Maintenance > Reports, Dimension Security > Setup. The data displayed in dashboards and reports is filtered based on user privileges on the corresponding dimensions.

    Additionally, when setting up a Dashboard, the pick list member selector (shown below) displays the dimension hierarchy and members within the hierarchy based on user dimension security access.

    If a user does not have permissions to the default selected member or the previously selected and saved member, the system selects and applies the first valid member (to which the user has access to) from the pick list.


    In Practice

    Let’s say dimension security is applied to the Product dimension (on the Dimension Security page shown below). User XYZ has been provided with access to the Road Bikes product, but not the Mountain Bikes product. Therefore, the Mountain Bikes product member will not be displayed in the Dashboards run interface. Only those members for which user XYZ has access to will be displayed in Dashboards.


    Dimension security access is setup on the Dimension Security Setup page. Navigate to Maintenance > Reports > Dimension Security.

    Dashboards Scenario Security

    You can apply Scenario Security in Dashboards and reports by enabling the Copy Scenario Security to Report Security option. To enable this option, navigate to Maintenance > Reports > Dimension Security > Configuration. Select the Copy Scenario Security to Report Security checkbox as shown below and click Save.


    Dashboards Budget Entity Security

    You can copy Budget Entity Security in reports by enabling the Copy Budget Entity Security to Report Security option. To do so, navigate to Maintenance > Reports > Dimension Security > Configuration . Click the Copy Budget Entity Security to Report Security checkbox and click Save.


    Substitution Variables

    Dashboards supports all Standard and Derived Substitution Variables. Predefined variables are available for Time and Scenario dimensions. All Standard and Derived Variables defined in Financial Reporting Area are available. When dashboards are run, they are generated for the global variable values as configured in Maintenance > Reports > Cube Settings > Substitution Variables.

    You can override substitution variable values for a Dashboard when you perform a run or edit. For example, you might have a quarterly substitution variable added to multiple charts to display the current quarter. But, let’s say you want to see chart results for a prior quarter to compare and contrast with the current quarter. You can open the substitution variables page from the dashboard, change the value for the current quarter substitution variable to the prior quarter, and run the dashboard.

    In Practice: How to Select a New Substitution Variable Value to Override the Existing Value

    In this example, the @CURQTR@ substitution variable value is overridden and changed from Q42017 to Q32017. The dashboard is executed with the new value.

    1. Open a dashboard in edit mode.

    2. Click the Substitution Variables icon (shown in image below). The Substitution Variables page displays as shown below. A consolidated list of all dashboard specific substitution variables used in all charts, tables, filters, and text objects is displayed. Note that if a single variable is used multiple times in a dashboard, it is displayed only once on this page and the value is the common value. Default values set up for each Substitution Variable on the Maintenance Substitution Variable setup page (accessed by navigating to Maintenance > Reports > Cube Settings > Substitution Variables) are displayed.


      Note that the substitution variable icon t is displayed for standard and derived variables from the Dashboard edit and run interfaces when:

      Substitution variables are used in filters (both dashboard and chart level)

      Substitution variables are used in charts

      Substitution variables are used on horizontal or vertical axis

      Substitution variables are used on secondary axis

      Substitution variables are used in tables

      Substitution variables are used in text areas

      Substitution variables are used in KPIs

      Substitution variables are used in titles, subtitles, or descriptions

      Substitution variables are used in custom members


    3. Click Run. The dashboard executes and replaces the newly selected value. Note that The values updated are not saved and have no effect on the default values selected and saved in the Maintenance Substitution Variable setup page for the substitution variable.


      On the Substitution Variables page, the Dimension , Reporting Area, and Variable columns are shown (along with the Value column).

      If a dimension is used in the dashboard that is shared across reporting areas (Financial, Workforce, and Scorecard, [does NOT apply to Dynamic Planning]). For example let’s say @CURMTH@ and the same dimensional variable in used in multiple dashboard charts created on different reporting areas. If this is the case, the variable is shown only once on the page. The value is applied across all reporting areas and corresponding charts.

      For all derived values used within the dashboard elements, the corresponding standard variable shown and the derived variable values are calculated based on the standard variable value set.

    Custom Members/Formulas

    Define custom formula members (calculations) for use in Dashboards in one central location. For example, let’s say you define a custom formula for the Account dimension. The formula includes a specific company, department, and account combination. You can access Dashboards and build charts for several Dashboards with the Account dimension for which the formula was built.

    The benefit of this feature is that formulas can be reused allowing for rapid chart production and more flexible and complex display of data.

    Custom Members can be used on the horizontal or vertical axis within the chart. A few examples of the formulas that you can define and use in Dashboards follows.

    To sort products in descending order and returns the top 5 products with the highest values:


    To calculate variance between budget and forecast for the given period using substitution variables:


    To get data for a specific combination of dimension members.


    To get the sum of values for accounts.

    sum({[Account].&[197], [Account].&[198], [Account].&[199], [Account].&[201], [Account].&[202], [Account].&[344], [Account].&[203], [Account].&[474], [Account].&[204], [Account].&[205], [Account].&[206], [Account].&[207], [Account].&[208]})

    For the descendants of a member in the hierarchy and to order them within a hierarchy.


    To calculate variance between actual and budget using substitution variables.


    To calculate variance between the previous month actual and current month budget using substitution variables.


    On the Scenario Dimension:

    1. Actual vs Budget Variance

      [Scenario].&[1] - @CURBDGT@

    2. Actual vs Prior Year Variance

      [Scenario].&[1].@CURYR@ - [Scenario].&[1].@CURYR-1@

    3. Actual vs Forecast Variance

      [Scenario].&[1] - @CURFCST@

    4. Actual vs Budget Variance %


    On the Time Dimension:

    1. Periods To Date

      ([Time].[Year], @CURMTH@)

    2. Compare Last Month

      {Hierarchize({ParallelPeriod([Time].[Month], 1, @CURMTH@),@CURMTH@})}

    3. Compare Last Qtr Same Period

      {Hierarchize({ParallelPeriod([Time].[Month], 3, @CURMTH@),@CURMTH@})}

    4. Compare Last Year Same Period

      {Hierarchize({ParallelPeriod([Time].[Month], 12, @CURMTH@),@CURMTH@})}

    5. Trailing 12 Months


    6. Rolling 6 Quarters


    7. Rolling 12 Months


    8. Trailing 3 Years


    In Practice: Custom Member Setup

    1. Create a formula by navigating to Maintenance > Reports > Cube Settings.

    2. Click the Custom Members tab.


    3. Click Add. The Add Custom Member page displays as shown below.


    4. Enter a code and name.

    5. Select the Reporting Area for which you want to build the formula.

    6. Select Account for Dimension to build the formula on the Account dimension. Or, select any dimension for which you want to build a formula.

    7. Select the Account dimension from the list-box next to the Members / Functions buttons.

    8. Drag and drop the account dimension member to the Rule Builder pane. In the example below step 13, Balance Sheet (Account 269) is selected.

    9. Select the Company dimension from the list-box next to the Members / Functions buttons.

    10. Drag and drop the company dimension member to the Rule Builder pane. Make sure you add a comma after the account dimension.

    11. Select the Department dimension from the list-box next to the Members / Functions buttons.

    12. Drag and drop the department dimension member to the Rule Builder pane. Make sure you add a comma after the company dimension.

    13. Enclose the rule in parenthesis. The rule is shown below.


    14. Click Save. You just created a formula on the account dimension that pulls data from a combination of account, company, and department. Now, use the formula in a chart in Dashboards.

      In Practice: Using a Custom Member on a Chart in a Dashboard

      Now, you can use this custom member when designing a chart. In this example, a custom member named Sum was created on the Account dimension. It totals several accounts shown in the image below. Use the Sum custom member when the Account dimension is selected for a chart(s).


    15. Access Dashboards.

    16. Drag and drop a chart to the dashboard.

    17. For the x or y axis, select Account for dimension.

    18. Under Custom Members, select the Sum customer member as shown below. Continue to build the chart by selecting additional dimensions and members.


    Pre-Defined Custom Members/Formulas

    The Custom Members below are pre-defined in each Reporting Area (cube) where the Dashboards module is enabled. Reporting areas are; Financial and Workforce.

    • Actual vs Budget Variance

    • Actual vs Prior Year Variance

    • Actual vs Forecast Variance

    • Actual vs Budget Variance %


    • Periods To Date

    • Compare Last Month

    • Compare Last Qtr Same Period

    • Compare Last Year Same Period

    • Trailing 12 Months

    • Rolling 6 Quarters

    • Rolling 12 Months

    • Trailing 3 Years


    • Half Year To Date (HYTD)

    Custom Members are populated for the Time and Scenario dimensions using substitution variables. So, for example, if you click Edit for the Compare Last Month Custom Member, you will see that the @CURMTH@ substitution variable is used to build the formula.

    Dashboard Sharing

    You can share dashboards with other users of your application. While sharing the dashboards, you can control whether the users can view, edit or have full control of the dashboard. Dashboards can be shared by user or user group.

    Data displayed in the dashboards is secured using Dimension Security.

    View : User can see the dashboard content and change filters, but can’t change, duplicate, delete or share the dashboard with others

    Edit : User can make changes to the dashboard filters, properties and settings of the dashboard elements, but can’t change the dashboard design, duplicate, delete or share the dashboard with others

    Full Control : User has full permissions on the dashboard as if they were the owners of the dashboard and can reorganize, duplicate, delete and share the dashboard with others

    Edit Versus View Access to Dashboards

    As the Admin user, you can provide Edit access to Dashboards. If you don't provide Edit access, users will not see the Edit icon for the dashboard that you share. Users with View can interact with the dashboard filters and drill down, but won’t be able to make any modifications to the dashboard design or settings.

    Dashboards Versus Dynamic Reports

    Dashboards and Dynamic Reports are like twin sisters as they share a common source of data and multi-dimensional model. Both are interactive and enabled with drag & drop, and slice & dice capabilities.

    When to use Dashboards Versus Dynamic Reports

    Use Dashboards when there is a need to visualize and present business critical and decision-driving information coming from multiple reports on a single screen.

    Dynamic Reports are text and table based and should be used primarily for financial and adhoc reporting where it is necessary to share information in a standard format at a more detailed level and with automated distribution capabilities.

    Dashboard Updates

    Dashboards are updated with the latest information when the financial cube is processed. The cube can be configured to be processed every 30-45 minutes.

    Dashboards is enabled with responsive web design and can quickly adapt to the size and screen resolution when accessed from any device including desktop or tablet. A screen resolution of 1366 x 768 or more is recommended for the best user experience.

    Auditing Dashboards

    An audit log is maintained for all actions. User e-mail address, IP address, action, time stamp and descriptions are logged for each event.

    Best Practices

    • Number of dashboards in the application across all users = 10 -15

    • Number of charts and tables in a single dashboard = 6 - 9

    • Dashboard filters = 3 - 5

    • Chart filters = 0 - 2

    • Number of options in a single filter = 6-10

    • Number of rows & columns in a table = 15 x 4

    • Height & width of dashboard = Dashboard width is limited to a maximum of 3 elements (1 for dashboard filters and 2 for other dashboard elements). There is no restriction on the height, but dashboards perform the best when they are designed to fit a single screen.

    • Maximum size of thumbnail image = 256KB
      Recommended dimensions of thumbnail = 250x250 pixels

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