What is Lock Data and How is it Used
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    What is Lock Data and How is it Used

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    Article summary

    Lock Data applies to periods. Use lock data to prevent further data input and manage cube processing for reporting.

    • Navigate to Maintenance > Reports > Lock Data.

    • The Actual Data Load Months page is displayed. When you process the cube, only the data for periods selected in Actual Data Load Months is processed. For example, if you load data for June 2016, but you don’t select June 2016, the June data is not processed in the cube and is not available in reports. Select the periods that you want to allow in Reporting.

    • Click the Lock Data tab. You can lock Entities at the month level. Entity locking ensures that no data entry or other data changes can be made once a specific entity and month combination is selected and locked. This functionality allows different entities with the same period to have different statuses. For example, you can have a combination of both locked and unlocked entities in the same rollup for the same period.

    Entity locking applies to the Actual Data template, Currency Exchange Rates, and all transactions under Consolidation and the Consolidation Process. Before locking ensure the Consolidation process has completed.

    In Practice:

    1. Access the Lock Data application page by navigating to Maintenance > Reports > Lock Data.

    2. Click the Lock Data tab.

    3. Select the period for which you want to lock data.

    4. The Company hierarchy is displayed. Expand and collapse the hierarchy to locate the entity you want to lock or unlock. Or, use the Search bar to conveniently search for entities.

    5. In the example below, the 1000- Corporate Mgmt Group entity is locked for January through April of 2018. The red square indicates the period is locked.


    6. Select the 4 red cells, and then right click. The Unlock icon appears. It is also displayed on the toolbar.


    7. Click Unlock. The periods change from red to green.


    8. To lock a period or periods for an entity, select the cells and click the Lock icon.

    9. Make sure you click Save.

      Yellow cells indicate that one or more members of the rollup has been locked, as shown below.


      Unlock the rollup members to change the cell from yellow to green.

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