Workforce Planning Templates in Budget Manager Experience
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    Workforce Planning Templates in Budget Manager Experience

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    Article summary

    The finance team can share Workforce Planning (WFP) templates with budget managers through email or copy link feature. 

    Budget managers can access the WFP templates through the shared link in input mode if they have the necessary permissions. They can view and modify the employee data as required.

    BME WFP Template 1

    The WFP template displays the details of the employees in the template based on the Scenario and Budget Entity combination. The top menu bar of the template contains several options using which they can perform actions like copy, edit, and delete employees, advanced search, reload, personalization, and access different reports. 

    BME WFP Template 2(1)

    By default, the template displays the template details in List View. However, they can switch between List View and Card View.

    BME WFP Template 3(1)

    Budget managers can select any entity from the Budget Entity drop-down if they have access to multiple budget entities. For more information, refer to the workforce planning admin guide.

    Budget managers can use the search option in WFP templates to find any specific employee's details. In addition to finding specific employees, budget managers can use the Search option to filter down the list of employees they view in the template using different filter options available on the search screen.

    The Advanced Search screen contains all the fields listed in the employee details as default search options. 

    The search options that budget managers see in the Advanced Search screen depend on the configuration set on the respective workforce planning template by the admin.

    Using the Search Option:

    • After opening a WFP template, budget managers can click on the Search icon in the screen’s top right corner.
      BME WFP Template 4(1)The Advanced Search screen appears.
      BME WFP Template 5(1)
    • To find a specific employee or to filter the list of employees, budget managers can use any of the advanced search options or a combination of these options based on their requirements and click Apply. The application will display the list of those employees who match the selected search criteria.
    • Following are other options that budget managers can use while accessing the advanced search screen:
      • Reset - Use this option to clear the values provided in any Advanced Search field(s).
      • Cancel - Use this option to close the Advanced Search screen.

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