Signals in Budget Manager Experience
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    Signals in Budget Manager Experience

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    Article summary

    What is Predict Signals?

    Predict Signals detects and flags potential anomalies in your data and enables you to take corrective actions through data-driven insights. These anomalies could arise from typos, mistakes, erroneous formulas, or conscious changes in planning assumptions. It gives you a detailed context around each signal by using an intuitive graph and lets you collaborate with your colleagues and peers to make more informed decisions. 

    How do Predict Signals work?

    The Predict Signal's AI Engine, powered by machine learning and statistical/mathematical modeling, generates a predicted range representing the normal data ranges for a given dimension intersection. Any values falling outside of that range are tagged as Signals. These Signals are categorized as High risk, Medium risk, and Low risk depending on how far off they are from the predicted normal range.

    Predict Signals in Budget Manager Experience

    Budget managers can use the Predict option on the menu bar or select any cell in the template and right-click on it to access the Predict Signals options. The following options are available to generate signals:

    • Check All Lines generates signals instantly for smaller reports of up to 100 lines.
    • Check Selected Line(s) allows you to check signals for a maximum of 50 lines in one go.

    BUE - Signals(2)

    The cells having signals are highlighted, and budget managers can right-click on that cell to either Resolve the signal or use the Signal Context Screen option to navigate to the Signal Context screen to analyze the signal.


    Resolve a Signal

    Following are the steps to resolve a signal:

    1. Right-click on the cell with the signal.
    2. Hover over Predict Signals and select Resolve Signals. The Resolve Signals pane will appear. 
    3. Select the reason for resolution from a list of pre-existing options. If you resolve multiple signals simultaneously, the same reason will be applied to all.

    The resolved signal will now appear as a comment in the report. The comment will display the original cell value, the reason for resolving the signal, and any additional information provided while resolving the signal.


    Signal Context

    The Signal Context screen displays the dimensions of the signal, a data table, and a graph that showcases all the required information on the signals. The Data table contains the following:

    • The Budget/Forecast scenario for the entire fiscal year of the selected row.
    • The upper and lower ranges generated by the AI engine.
    • The historical actuals used for Model Training.

    The historical actuals are displayed only up to the past six years.

    The graph displays the same information visually intuitively, which justifies why it was marked as a signal. By default, the graph has the upper and lower ranges and the forecast scenario, but it lets you see the historical actuals by clicking on the actual data label displayed below the graph. This screen displays data for all the months in the entire fiscal year to demonstrate the trend and seasonality present in the data; this helps understand the signal better.

    You can even view the data trend of a selected dimension for the entire fiscal year and compare it with the historical actuals. You can view actual data for multiple years and view their trend along with the selected scenario, upper range, and lower range. It gives you a better understanding of every signal.

    You can click on the PDF icon available on the Signal Context screen to download a snapshot of the signal context that you have chosen. This allows you to view and analyze the signal context offline.

    Budget managers can right-click on any signal in the signal context table and resolve the signal.

    Comment on the Signal

    Budget managers can right-click on any signal in the Signal context table and provide a comment specific to that cell and even tag other users in the comment. They can even assign the comment to another user and track the comment’s status.

    Refer to the Collaborate with Other Users section available here to know more about the comments feature.

    Drill Through

    Budget managers can right-click on any signal in the Signal Context table to view the Drill Through option. This allows them to view and analyze all financial, operational, capital, workforce, and transactional data for that signal from a single place.

    Budget managers can also use the History option in the Drill Through report screen to know the detail of the data changes on the source data. They can view information like who changed the data, the timestamp of the data change, and the details about the changes.

    Along with being on Ivy Framework, make sure that the Planful support team has enabled this feature in the backend to use this feature. Budget Managers can view the History of the data related to Open Periods of the following Line Types:
    • L with posting and history accounts (with or without sublines)
    • C with posting and history accounts
    • RA with single account mapping

    Following are other options on the Drill Through screen that budget managers can use to optimize the data they see on this screen:

    • Label- It defines the way the data is shown in the drill-through report. The options available in this drop-down are Code, Name, and Label.
      • Code - Displays the code of the value mapped to the respective column if applicable.
      • Name - Displays the name of the value mapped to the respective column if applicable.
      • Label - Displays the code and name of the value mapped to the respective column. 
    • Output - Exports the drill-through report in excel format.
    • Filter - Filters the report based on the defined filter criteria.
    • Settings - Uncheck the column names to view only the selected columns
    • Save - Use the option to save the changes made to the report or reset the view to default view if you made any changes.

    You can refer to this drill-through section if you want to know more about this feature.

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