How to Export Navigation Role List?
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    How to Export Navigation Role List?

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    Article summary

    Users can export the navigation role list using Export to Excel or Print options.

    Export to Excel:

    The Export option for the Navigation Role area helps the administrators to export the summary report and the detailed navigation report.

    To export the summary report and the detailed navigation report, follow the steps below:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Administration > User & Role Management > Navigation Role.
    2. Click the Export to Excel icon.
    3. From the drop-down click Download Summary Report or Download Detailed Report
      • Download Summary Report: The summary report provides a condensed view of navigation roles. This report includes the list of navigation roles, including role code, name, creation and modification details, and whether they are predefined or custom-created. 
      • Download Detailed Report: The detailed report offers comprehensive navigation role information and access details for different users, highlighting specific permissions and access levels with Yes or No indicators.
    4. Click OK.


    This option allows you to print the Navigation role list.

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Administration > User & Role Management > Navigation Role.
    2. When you click the Print option, you will see the entire navigation role list in the sheet for printing.

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