December21 Release Notes
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    December21 Release Notes

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    Structured Planning: Clear Data

    With this release, you can preview and export the loaded Workforce Actuals in the Clear Data screen before deleting them. Previously, you did not have an option to Preview or Export the loaded Workforce Actuals.

    The Preview option allows you to view the details of actuals data of employees such as Scenario Name, Employee Number, Employee Name, Employee Position Description, Home Budget Entity, Position Budget Entity, Account, other finance segments, Currency(LC), and loaded amounts for selected time periods. The Export to CSV option allows you to export all the data for a selected time period. You can select the required time period and click Export to CSV to submit a request to export data. You can view the export status in the Job Manager. You will also receive a message containing links to download the exported file. The data is exported as a ZIP file. You can extract the ZIP file to see the exported data.

    With this release, you can see the actual amounts in Local currency only. The preview screen only supports two digits after the decimal.

    In Practice: To Preview for Specified Time Periods

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Data Load Rules.

    2. Click Clear Data. The Clear Data screen is displayed.

    3. Select Area as Workforce from the drop-down list.

    4. In the Selection Criteria, the Scenario is set to Actual by default.

    5. Select time from the Select Time drop-down menu. You can select multiple time periods.

    6. Click Preview.

    In Practice: To Export Data for Specified Time Periods

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Data Load Rules.

    2. Click Clear Data. The Clear Data screen is displayed.

    3. Select Area as Workforce from the drop-down list.

    4. In the Selection Criteria, the Scenario is set to Actual by default.

    5. Select time from the Select Time drop-down menu. You can select multiple time periods.

    6. Click Export to CSV. A message is displayed confirming the submission of the export request.

    7. A message is displayed once the file is exported.

    8. Click the download link in the confirmation message to download the zip file containing the data.

    9. Click the another link in the confirmation message to view the status in the Job Manager.

    You can view, export, and delete all Actuals data posted against the Actual scenario with these options.

    Data Integration: Export Data Load Rules List to an Excel

    On the Data Load Rules List page, the menu bar is updated to include the option of exporting the Data Load Rules. The menu options are as follows:

    • Print
    • Print Setup
    • Export as Excel

    You can use these options to export or print the details mentioned on the Data Load Rules List page. The exported or printed file will contain the following columns:

    Name, Type, Item, Sub Item, Created Date, Created By, Modified Date, and Modified By.

    Business Value

    The options to export or print the DLRs list will help users review and clean up their DLRs. Planful’s support team can also leverage these options while reviewing the customer’s application.

    In Practice: Accessing the export options in DLRs

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Data Load Rules.

    2. Select the Data Load Rules List tab.

    3. Select the required option to export or print the DLR list from the menu bar.

      - Print

      - Print Setup

      - Export

    Platform: Process Refresh Preload Budget Scenario API with Scenario ID or Code

    Now, you can use Scenario ID or Scenario Code in the Refresh Preloaded Data API to update the Preload Budget Scenario with the data from the reference Scenario or the CC data based on the Scenario setup.

    Endpoint URL Syntax

    <Provide the Application Url>/Scenario/RefreshPreloadedData/<provide the scenario code>


    <Provide the Application Url>/Scenario/RefreshPreloadedData/<provide the scenario id>

    Platform: Customized Banner Right Mask Feature Deprecation

    With this release, the feature using which you could customize the color of the right mask in the top banner of the application will no longer be available. The default Planful right mask will be displayed irrespective of the profile chosen in Maintenance > Admin > Customize Branding > Personalize Banner.

    Platform: Enhanced the Default Banner and Right Mask Design

    With this release, irrespective of the profile, the right mask for the Planful application will be static as shown in the illustration below. You can still apply a left mask for your profile. The default profile has been enhanced as shown below.

    The following is an illustration of the Default Theme

    Platform: Enhanced the Export, Print, and Send Email Icons

    With this release, you will see the following intuitive icons in various Structured Planning screens:

    • Export
    • Print
    • Send email

    This update is a work in progress, and you will see a similar change throughout the application in the upcoming releases.

    • Now, you can see the Export, Print, and Send email as separate icons on the Structured Planning toolbar.

    • Previously, in Structured Planning, the Export, Print, and Send email options were available inside the Export drop-down menu. You could see these options grouped when you clicked the Export icon, as shown in the following illustration.
    • Now, you can see the Export and Print as separate icons on the Structured Planning toolbar.
    • Previously, in a few Structured Planning screens, the Export and Print options were available inside the Export drop-down menu. You could see these options grouped when you clicked the Export icon, as shown in the following illustration

    Platform: Introduced a style of Navigation

    We are excited to announce that we have introduced a style of navigation in this release. The navigation helps reserve more application real estate. Your content occupies 100% of the screen width, thereby making it easier to scan through. If you prefer the old navigation, you can switch back to it. The old navigation style consumed a significant amount of horizontal screen space and was not scalable, whereas the updated one now addresses these issues.

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