Calculations Execution Delayed and Batched for Better Performance
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    Calculations Execution Delayed and Batched for Better Performance

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    Article summary

    Views and Reports can run a calculation when the user clicks Save. Power users can set an application-wide setting to run calculations that are triggered from commonly used views or reports once every few minutes during heavy usage. This setting is dependent on Enable Calculation Execution in Background for Views and Reports being set to Yes.

    This setting optimizes calculations by running them at a set interval rather than every time a user triggers them. This is useful for common reports or views that are accessed and used by multiple people who are saving data and triggering calculations to be run frequently. If users are not saving data, the calculation is not run.

    For example, during budgeting season, 10 department heads are inputting their plans using the same report.

    • Every time they click Save, a calculation is run. This is inefficient because the calculation is being triggered to run frequently.

    • When Smart Batching Interval for Calculations is set, the calculation is not automatically run when the user clicks Save. It is delayed.

    • Instead, the calculation runs at its next interval.

    This setting is effective with the following conditions:

    • The users are using the same application and model.

    • The users are running and saving data using the same report or view.

    • The users are using the same parameters or variables for the calculation in the report.

    When you specify a delay time, choose from None, 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, or 60 minutes.

    The audit log shows that users are saving and triggering calculations to be run, but the calculation does not run until it is scheduled to do so. In the example below, it is set to run every 5 minutes.

    After the calculation runs, each user that triggered it receives an email confirmation that the calculation is completed.

    The Power user can see the details of the calculation and the users that have triggered the calculation by selecting Manage > Application Administration > Process Management.

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    The calculation does not continue to run at the set interval if there are no active users triggering it. If no users are clicking Save, the calculation will not run.

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