Projections in Templates
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    Projections in Templates

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    Article summary

    The Predict Projections feature is supported only for the LIT, GTSC, and GTEC templates of the GTSC family of templates for the Flow MTD accounts.

    How to access Projections in Templates?

    To access Predict Projections, perform the following:

    1. In your application, navigate to Structured Planning and select a Scenario of your choice.
    2. Choose a Template, and click Input from Template Workflow.
    3. You will now see the Predict Projections button available in the top menu bar. You can access Projections from this menu button or the context menu when you right-click on any cell for the same option with both  Fill All Lines, Fill Selected Lines, and Adjust Projections features.

    Fill All Lines

    You can use the Fill All Lines feature to automatically fill system-generated AI projections into the entire template for the duration of the budget or forecast. This feature does not allow you to adjust or change the value of the projections. This feature supports the generation of AI projections for a maximum of 100 lines at a time. This option fills only the supported L-type lines, sufficient historical actuals, and no excluded GLs.

    Fill Selected Lines

    You can use the Fill Selected Lines feature to automatically fill system-generated AI projections into the selected lines for the entire duration of the budget or forecast. This option fills only the supported L-type lines, and among the L-type lines, the ones with an adequate amount of Flow MTD account historical actuals. This feature does not allow you to adjust or change the value of the projections. This feature supports the generation of AI projections for a maximum of 50 lines at a time.

    Adjust Projections

    You can use the Adjust Projections feature to generate projections for a single line and adjust the Projections annual total according to your budget by still leveraging the AI engine.

    So, irrespective of the previously generated AI projections, if you have a specific budget in mind, you can choose the Adjusted Projection option from the Projections pop-up window and redistribute the figures for the open periods in a data-driven fashion that will still adhere to the trend and seasonality present in the data.

    Following are the various features available in the Projections pop-up window.

    • Template Dimensions: The dimensions of the selected Template are displayed.
    • Input Row: You can use this row to change the selected row/line, change the year for which the Projections are being displayed, view the Current Total budget, and the Projected Total budget.

    You can also use this row to provide the Adjusted Projection.

    Adjusted Projections

    You can adjust the current projection by a certain percentage or by a certain value. Once you have provided your input in this field you must click Apply.

    Finally, you have the Update Template and Reset buttons in the input row.

    You must always click the Update Template button to save your changes to the Projections in the Projections tab and fill them in the template. Otherwise, all changes made in the Advanced Projections pop-up window will be lost.

    The Reset button can be used to reset the adjusted projection to the previous values as per the template.

    Data Table and a Graph: The graph displays the same information visually intuitively, displaying the Projections. The graph has the upper and lower ranges and the forecast scenario by default. Still, it lets you see the historical actuals on it by clicking on the actual data label displayed below the graph. The pop-up window displays data for all the months ofthe entire fiscal year to demonstrate the trend and seasonality present in the data; this helps better understand the Projections.

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