How to Create a Row Set for an Account Dimension Which Excludes One Member
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    How to Create a Row Set for an Account Dimension Which Excludes One Member

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    Article summary

    The below example outlines an expression that considers all children in the dimension except one.

    Sum(Except([Account].&[193].Children, [Account].&[194]))

    This expression consists of the following elements:

    • [Account].&[193].Children

      • This refers to all child members of the account with ID 193.

      • If 193 is a parent account, this retrieves all its immediate sub-accounts.

    • Except([Account].&[193].Children, [Account].&[194])

      • The Except function removes a specified member from a set. Here, it removes the account 194 from the list of children of 193.

      • The result includes all child accounts of 193, except 194.

    • Sum(...)

      • The Sum function calculates the total of the specified set.

      • It sums up all values of the accounts in [Account].&[193].Children, except [Account].&[194].

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