How to Input Data Using the Direct Data Input Compensation Item?
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    How to Input Data Using the Direct Data Input Compensation Item?

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    There are two ways to input data using the Direct Data Input compensation item type:

    1. Manually go into each employee in the template and put in the values in the I/P Comp Item tab. Examples include: ex-pat packages, executive bonuses for a small executive team, or bonus/gift in the employee’s birthday month.
    2. If you have a number of employees that you need direct data input for, you can do a data load instead of entering directly into the template. This is a Workforce Planning - Employee Compensation Items Data Load Rule. This is useful for items that cannot be calculated inside of Workforce Planning and are calculated outside of Planful. Examples include stock options, stock/restricted stock compensation, executive bonuses for a large team, sales commissions, and 401K costs.

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